atoria56's forum posts
[QUOTE="atoria56"][QUOTE="gobo212"][QUOTE="atoria56"][QUOTE="gobo212"][QUOTE="atoria56"][QUOTE="gobo212"][QUOTE="atoria56"][QUOTE="gobo212"][QUOTE="methree15"][QUOTE="atoria56"][QUOTE="gobo212"][QUOTE="atoria56"]I doubt it has to be something big, but guess what if it does have to be then that means he will take more drastic actions to make it happen its believed that the gov. is testing nukes off the coast of states and people in Oregon have stated that atleast 600 Tremors have been reported of the coast.gobo212
This post is not coherent.
What because of my grammatical errors? We have been brainwashed to constantly be grammatically correct and if someone is incorrect on their grammar then we ridicule and criticize them horribly.
Not that, its just harder to read when the grammer is inncorect.
Also you post things with absolutely no evidence to back them up.
It`s called research maybe you should try it.
Are you really saying I should be the one doing research on the topic that you are trying to convince me of? Sorry that's not how debates work. I must say the impression I get of you is that you are just old enough to be allowed on this site.
Actually I am sixteen second this is not really a debate for me. I am not the type of person who tries to debate over the internet I would rather do it in person, now if we were face to face then I would understand your argument if I did not bring my own information but in reality we are just over the internet discussing this topic that originated as statement getting people to be aware of this I never asked you to believe me.
Why would you make this thread if you weren't trying to convince people that your ideas are real possibilities?
No I did not create this to convince people about this information, trying to convince someone on such a serious topic like this is really rude that is trying to force your logic on them. I made this to get people aware of the possibilities of things like this happening it was just up to them to believe it or not.
Well you might have better luck with that if you use grammar/punctuation (as you have been in many of your posts) and provide some evidence for what you are claiming.
(not being insulting) You are not realizing what the point is, why must I provide evidence if I am trying to just spark a thought in peoples head.
Because without it people will just dismiss you outright and not even consider what you have to say. I mean you claim that people in Western Oregon have felt 600 tremors (recently you mean I think). Well I live in Western Oregon and have felt no tremors. This makes me question everything else you claim as well.
I never said I believed it my statement was that its reported that there have been tremors. I am not trying to get everyone on my side I think that people should be given the choice to believe what I say or not. The power is all in their hands because only that person can make the right decision for themselves.
[QUOTE="atoria56"][QUOTE="gobo212"][QUOTE="atoria56"][QUOTE="gobo212"][QUOTE="atoria56"][QUOTE="gobo212"][QUOTE="methree15"][QUOTE="atoria56"][QUOTE="gobo212"][QUOTE="atoria56"]I doubt it has to be something big, but guess what if it does have to be then that means he will take more drastic actions to make it happen its believed that the gov. is testing nukes off the coast of states and people in Oregon have stated that atleast 600 Tremors have been reported of the coast.gobo212
This post is not coherent.
What because of my grammatical errors? We have been brainwashed to constantly be grammatically correct and if someone is incorrect on their grammar then we ridicule and criticize them horribly.
Not that, its just harder to read when the grammer is inncorect.
Also you post things with absolutely no evidence to back them up.
It`s called research maybe you should try it.
Are you really saying I should be the one doing research on the topic that you are trying to convince me of? Sorry that's not how debates work. I must say the impression I get of you is that you are just old enough to be allowed on this site.
Actually I am sixteen second this is not really a debate for me. I am not the type of person who tries to debate over the internet I would rather do it in person, now if we were face to face then I would understand your argument if I did not bring my own information but in reality we are just over the internet discussing this topic that originated as statement getting people to be aware of this I never asked you to believe me.
Why would you make this thread if you weren't trying to convince people that your ideas are real possibilities?
No I did not create this to convince people about this information, trying to convince someone on such a serious topic like this is really rude that is trying to force your logic on them. I made this to get people aware of the possibilities of things like this happening it was just up to them to believe it or not.
Well you might have better luck with that if you use grammar/punctuation (as you have been in many of your posts) and provide some evidence for what you are claiming.
(not being insulting) You are not realizing what the point is, why must I provide evidence if I am trying to just spark a thought in peoples head.
[QUOTE="atoria56"][QUOTE="methree15"]Pres has to sign but how is congress a mask?
Wow, lets take the conspriacy theorists back to middle school and have them relearn the structure of the u.s federal goverment.
That was insulting to me you questioned my intelligence. Guy
knowledge has nothing to do with intelligence, bro.
Its not the actual statement more of the outline of your post when I read it the vibe that I got was that you are stating that I had no clue of what I was talking about. You still insulted my knowledge and intelligence.
Pres has to sign but how is congress a mask?
Wow, lets take the conspriacy theorists back to middle school and have them relearn the structure of the u.s federal goverment.
That was insulting to me you questioned my intelligence. Guy
[QUOTE="atoria56"][QUOTE="gobo212"][QUOTE="atoria56"][QUOTE="gobo212"][QUOTE="methree15"][QUOTE="atoria56"][QUOTE="gobo212"][QUOTE="atoria56"]I doubt it has to be something big, but guess what if it does have to be then that means he will take more drastic actions to make it happen its believed that the gov. is testing nukes off the coast of states and people in Oregon have stated that atleast 600 Tremors have been reported of the coast.gobo212
This post is not coherent.
What because of my grammatical errors? We have been brainwashed to constantly be grammatically correct and if someone is incorrect on their grammar then we ridicule and criticize them horribly.
Not that, its just harder to read when the grammer is inncorect.
Also you post things with absolutely no evidence to back them up.
It`s called research maybe you should try it.
Are you really saying I should be the one doing research on the topic that you are trying to convince me of? Sorry that's not how debates work. I must say the impression I get of you is that you are just old enough to be allowed on this site.
Actually I am sixteen second this is not really a debate for me. I am not the type of person who tries to debate over the internet I would rather do it in person, now if we were face to face then I would understand your argument if I did not bring my own information but in reality we are just over the internet discussing this topic that originated as statement getting people to be aware of this I never asked you to believe me.
Why would you make this thread if you weren't trying to convince people that your ideas are real possibilities?
No I did not create this to convince people about this information, trying to convince someone on such a serious topic like this is really rude that is trying to force your logic on them. I made this to get people aware of the possibilities of things like this happening it was just up to them to believe it or not.
[QUOTE="atoria56"][QUOTE="gobo212"][QUOTE="methree15"][QUOTE="atoria56"][QUOTE="gobo212"][QUOTE="atoria56"]I doubt it has to be something big, but guess what if it does have to be then that means he will take more drastic actions to make it happen its believed that the gov. is testing nukes off the coast of states and people in Oregon have stated that atleast 600 Tremors have been reported of the coast.gobo212
This post is not coherent.
What because of my grammatical errors? We have been brainwashed to constantly be grammatically correct and if someone is incorrect on their grammar then we ridicule and criticize them horribly.
Not that, its just harder to read when the grammer is inncorect.
Also you post things with absolutely no evidence to back them up.
It`s called research maybe you should try it.
Are you really saying I should be the one doing research on the topic that you are trying to convince me of? Sorry that's not how debates work. I must say the impression I get of you is that you are just old enough to be allowed on this site.
Actually I am sixteen second this is not really a debate for me. I am not the type of person who tries to debate over the internet I would rather do it in person, now if we were face to face then I would understand your argument if I did not bring my own information but in reality we are just over the internet discussing this topic that originated as a statement getting people to be aware of this I never asked you to believe me.
I cant beleive im the first one!!!
No your not. Sorry, but the dude posting above you beat you to it.
This was stated by NwordJohn - "Because anyone who talks about it is labeled a conspiracy nut who wears a tin foil hat when in reality they actually know more about politics and the government then people who live off of CNN"
Methree15 and princeofTHEATL are to good examples of blind sheep.
Really? I would hate to live in your world where you walk around judging everyone 30 seconds after you meet them. Must be a really polarizing place to be in huh?
I never watch CNN. Ever. Your giving the goverment wayy too much credit. I've thought about the government and come up with the conclusion that there is no way you could get all those people to work together for more then ten seconds.
As for life, I have no clue. What's your thoughts on life?
Wait, no one has their own mind. Nobody. Not me, not you, no one. Hell, how could we even know anything if we were just left alone in a dark room given food for our entire lives with no human contact. Would we be human?
On G.S all I see, from us all, are the same arguements just from different keyboards. I do it, you do it, we all do it. Hell, I'm doing it right now. I've accepted it. Have you?
Thats hypocritical of you I judged you just like you judge every conspiracy theorist by calling us all nuts. The worst part is that people believe all conspiracy theorist believe in the same thing I.E. that whole tin foil hat comes from people who believe the world is going to be taken over by aliens. I never stated anything on those lines, second you are once again being judgemental by assuming that I judge everybody that I come across to be honest I would have never judged you if your post was not insulting my opinion. I actually am one of the people that think the government is weak I just tell this to people who need to at least be aware of this information. Sorry if I judged you but that is a natural reaction for me since I was being bombarded with insults just because you did not agree with me.
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