This is a crap list. They had a chance to make a splash with this list and instead fell way short. They needed bigger games than that, no one is going to get rid of their 360's for that list. Another wasted opportunity by MS, reminds me of their X1 reveal. They just squashed a lot of the hype for this feature.
@lnception: And people wonder why gamers are viewed as whiny entitled brats. It releases 3 weeks after the game, do you want them to wait 15 days to promote free DLC that ties in with the movie?
@bobafetthatesu: There's a lot games releasing for the X1, H5, RotTR, BO3, SWBF, FO4, plus BC on top of the the new UI with a lot of good deals on bundles. I think that's probably the reason a lot of people would be picking up an Xbox this holiday.
@yukushi: As a long time Halo player I call BS. I've put over 200+ hours into each of H2, H3, and Reach's MP. The MP in H5 is right there with H2 and H3's MP.
B00ME's comments