@Kunakai: So you want $15 map packs and a $40 season pass instead? I'll take the full game for $60 with MT's I'll never buy and free DLC over spending $100 for the full game. Those are the choices.
@Frogster8: There's 2 choices. The full game for $60 with MT's you'll never buy, or $15 map packs with a $40 season pass and $100 for the full game with a split-up MP community. You're saying people should pay $100 for the full game instead of $60. And we're the idiots?
People are so idiotic sometimes. People would rather have a game be $60 + $40 season pass, so $100 for the full game, and split-up the community compared to getting the full game for $60 with MT's you will never buy.
Only idiots would want to pay $100 instead of $60 for the full game.
They won't catch up, they don't do enough in Europe and are non-exisistant in Japan. Second place is really the best place for MS customers. We've seen what happens when they are leading. No new IP's for 4-5 years, Kinect, the initial X1 policies. Phil has really turned things around though.
Jesus Gamespot, this is embarrassing. This article makes you look like a monkey trying to screw a football. Try to hire people who can finish an article and know what they are doing.
@Reagan2791: You don't have to get it at launch. You can always get it on sale later or when it's dropped in price. There's so many other games releasing I'm sure you can find something worthy of your money until then.
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