Would love it. They'd have to make some changes though, I've still got the first 4 monkey islands on CD-ROM, I only bought 1&2 on XBLA because of new graphics and audio, that won't work as well on 3&4.
bALTHar86's forum posts
I knew the ending to Romeo & Juliet before I ever saw or read the play, didn't stop me enjoying it though.
Yeah, also owned by Microsoft. Come on people... think.VanoratorFor the record my old tv is Toshiba. Are they owned by microsoft as well?
I've got a twenty year old tv in my attic with that symbol on it. Damn MS and their pre-console mind games. That symbols been appearing on almost every electrical device since the 90's. How did they do it? Did they know the 360 would be launched back then? If so that's got to be the lengthiest pre-release marketing strategy ever.
LOL. You fail.
Wish I could help but I stopped playing Dragon Age DLC after Wardens Keep made me wonder if Bioware were playing a practical joke. Even Awakening kinda sucked compared to Origins and they tried to sell that like a new game. Never heard of the one you're playing. Is it another 1hr boring grind that's overpriced or have Bioware stopped exploiting their fanbase and released a decent lengthy DLC worth buying?
It's an awesome game but not exactly rare. I wouldn't spend a massive amount, there are probably millions of used copies that aren't being played anymore in living rooms across the world. $20 max.
It'll either be a while or be Kinect compatible. My brother (a highly paid IT specialist) told me that gaming tech is starting to plateux and they're getting to a point where its getting really difficult to make new hardware good enough to justify launching a new console. I reckon it'll be a good 4 or 5 years before an announcement is made.
Usually very quickly and with huge excitement, which reminds me 'must make sure I'm not working on Fable 3 launch'. Seriously though, I always play normal. If I'm kicking butt I'll move a level, if my butt's getting kicked I'll move down until I feel confident to give it another go on a harder difficulty, though its rare that I switch down.
If it's your money then I don't see the problem. I get not wanting to PO wifey but I bet you can think of a dozen examples where she's spent a lot of money without consenting you. Besides, if you earned the money then you should be able to spend on yourself once in a while. If its her money then I wouldn't, never spen someone elses hard earned cash without permission, never ever.
You could always buy something for her at the same time as well. That'll make it a lot harder for her to argue.
MW2, Halo 3 and any Lego game. MW was great but the sequel was just ridiculous and massively overrated in my opinion. Halo3 was similar, I wanted that game so bad but the campaign was really disappointing and total uninventive, sequels should better the previous efforts not clone them with slightly better graphics. As for Lego games, why do they get good reviews? Walk along, smash stuff, repeat, repeat, repeat. What's fun about that?
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