babern38's forum posts
My ps3 does this weird thing that no matter which controller I use to turn on the system, when i start playing a game like gta4 i always have to go into the menu and change the controller from #2 to #1. I make sure to touch no other controllers, but the system always seems to register the controller as #2. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to fix this? Thanks
I'm really hoping someone can help me with this problem or at least direct me to the right people to ask.
1) i set up a network on my laptop,
2) In order to get my ps3 back online, I reconfigured the settings to connect to that new network instead of just my router
3) I opened windows media player and turned sharing on
4) I can never get the ps3 to locate any media servers. I did get the name of my network to appear once(somehow) but I was told there was an error and the files couldn't be accessed.
Other than trying to get things to work completely, I'm wondering if its okay to have my ps3 connected to the laptop network as opposed to just the router itself.
if you can't help me in detail, who should I call: Sony, Router company, or microsoft?
anybody? I set up a home network on my laptop and then reconfigured the ps3 to connect to that network instead of just my router and i've set sharing to "on" in windows media player and I got the ps3 to recognize my network one time, but then it couldn't access any of the photos/files. Please help.
I'm also wondering if I'm supposed to be connecting my ps3 to the home network or straight to my router. Is ther a difference?
can someone link me to a site that gives a step by step on how to see pics/vids/music from my computer onto my ps3 over a network. the sites I came up with didn't provide enough detail and I've been unsuccesful.
I have a terrible problem. I'm moving to a new home in new jersey tomorow from missouri and am dying to get my hands on a new 80gb ps3, but I can't pre-order at any NJ stores over the phone and can't find anywhere online. I'm worried they'll be all sold out for a long time like the wii. Anyone have any advice for me please?
can't find it at amazon, circuitcity and don't want the silver konami version.
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