It's a shame half the first batch was greedy B****S buying to sell for a big profit on ebay. What a world we live in. The actual fans can't buy them :-(. They look cool, but the controller cable is shit and the whole menu system is crap should be able to do everything from the controller while sat on sofa. Looks a cool bit of kit but not really well though out with cables etc. I had a nes was great back then but today the games look shit and for me are no longer playable (bar maybe Mario Bros).
Another Teenage Mutant Ninja Turd of a movie. What a bag of shit. I enjoyed the cartoon when I was 7, but now its awful like a lot of stuff you have fond memories of. Sometimes best to have good memories than get spoiled by a crap reboot.
There are saying that now. But if the switch is successful they will probably concentrate on that as easier to buy a game once play at home or on the go and just one dev team to design for the one platform. Although it depends how portable it is compared to the 3DS. It might be the last 3DS model.
Nice we got a free upgrade on PC. But it looks old and Shit now. The Facial animations etc don't seem real and the charterer movement looks like a crash test dummy. I played it back in the day for about 20 hours then got bored and lost and couldn't be arsed to work out what to do.
Its mostly Sony's fault charging £50 for a £10 Indy game at best in greenlight mode, i.e. not finished. Then hyping the shit out of it, for the players I don't think So. Like 3 people still playing this dull unfinished mess of a game?
PC can have 4k Gaming already without patches. Also on pc get free upgrades for Bio Shock trilogy, Skyrim hd etc etc (on consoles you have to buy them again). But even with a decent video card games are shit at 4k so it will be a few years off untill decent video cards come out at sensible prices. I just play games at 60FPS at 2k. My monitor is 4 years old and its only now I can play games at max res. So be 2 or 3 years before its affordable to play games at max res at 4k. So still enjoy my ps4 and XB1 for exclusives. I will not upgrade these as no point only have an old 1080P TV. But makes me laugh all console fan boys (not people like me that enjoy all platforms including Nintendo) complain about upgrading pc's etc and then buy the new consoles lol. You buy what you can for your budget (and what you enjoy, if you work treat yourself). Companies are not going to waste time patching old games that won't make them any money. The future games will be designed for both versions of consoles PS4/Pro XB1/S/Scorpio. Like PC Gaming Games will support 720P up to 4K you play at the settings of the hardware you can afford and then later if you upgrade see the improvements, that is how consoles will be going forward.
Al these new consoles make the previous versions cheaper and affordable for more people with a smaller budget so good long term. Like now you can buy a PS4 with 2 - 3 games for £150 and £100 second hand in the Uk as Sony has dropped the prices to shift all the old stock as they want to be selling PS4 PRos and Slims going forward. Also loads of great pre-owned games and offers on digital games in Winter and Summer sales. A lot of shops have took a big hit on the pre-owned market as my mate works in one.
boring pile of shit. you have to kill omnigul like 50 times to get 665 gear only because its currently bugged and will be fixed soon. so then its about 200 strikes to get geared up if y lucky. then u can finally get to play the raid. still no looking for group. more like £5 dlc not 25. shows u not to buy destiny 2 wait 2 years and get job lot for 35 lids. thats how much destiny should have cost in the first place with all the dlc.
@silversix_: Agree Rage was shite. I played it for 60 mins and got bored and uninstalled it. Evil within was better but a few bugs etc only played that for 3 or 4 hours so will go back at some point and finish it.
Balders74's comments