I will get this on PC can't wait as i was one of the early backers so £10 for a game is great value. Hope it delivers looks promising so far. I played all the Banjo games and they were great.
This should be part of game. I won't buy any DLC I refuse. People need to speak with their wallets and get this shit stopped. plus there goes the 32GB internal memory after a few dlc packs lol.
Plus it was poorly scripted I had to walk in some areas for ages before it triggered the next even and the first 1 hour was tedious and boring and was obviously to show off vr.
£50 for 7 hours play through for good ending not worth seeing bad ending just u tube it. it because they charge to much and do the dlc shit which was obviously part of the main game and removed to make more money. so people are tired in general with the way the industry is going and holding off for game of year editions or till its £10 in steam sale at Christmas this year.
perhaps if they charged normal prices none of this season pass bollocks and if you do bring dlc out that's new not removed from main game. Also Deus Ex had the use once items and then you lost it so I got a refund on steam and all my mates did as its disgusting doing this to the customer. This takes the piss. So we should all speak with or wallets. Game price may not have gone up but people playing games has to keep up with the prices since the big greedy corps got involved this shit has happened. Activation is really bad. Also like some comments below why have 600 folks working on a game when 300 talent folks can bang out the same quality. Also why did gears 1 only cost 13 mill to make and gears 2 and 3 started loosing money as they had silly budgets (some management being payed way to much).
looks like just text and no voice over actors again in Zelda looking at demos. damn even day of tentacle had voice actors Nintendo so old £60 for a game with half features missing.
plus if games need a day 1 patche like most do that 32GB will be full in like 10 mins. then you can't play any games unless u buy a bigger memory card to patch them before you play. so you'll need to carry about 10 game cartridges and ssd memory cards for all the patches and or dlc.
W**Ktendo strikes again. Mario look sshit, like the sonic game of old. The machine is overpriced, £65 a game, £65 for pad and £280 for console. 2 Hour battery life on average is a joke. Shit Graphics and shit loads of accessories you'll need to buy hopefully in a year better battery and a game pad bundle for a sensible price.
Balders74's comments