@LatinLegacy: i say it will look same as ps4 pro as its held back but we will see :-) its that bad sony paid em to make Destiny 2 Black and white and 720P and 10 FPS on PC :-)
@strothers101: Lazy programming and sony exclusive as if there machine can;t run at 60fps here a million pounds activision make sure destiny on xb1 X runs at 30fps. runs at 60fps on pc and playstation 2 pro.
Shit dev/lazy dev team (and tight activision) as Destiny 2 looks wank on consoles at 30 fps its 2017 not 1917 and won't be much better on PC as shit level design etc and a boring grind with 0.0000001% for drops no thanks I'll skip it. They had an excuse on ps3 and 360 as was restricted to level design, then engine looks shit compared to
Anthem from bioware is how destiny should look like and world seems more alive compared to little areas in destiny (its prob the 20 year old call of duty engine with some tweaks Activision seems to want to use)
Makes me laugh who wants to play old shitty looking games, then they resell them on PS4 and on the streaming service. So obviously people do want to play these old games, just that Sony is greedy. I love backwards compatibility (If I want to play old games I can and If I don't np I don't have to its a nice choice to have). Sony would do same for films and music after 5 years you can't have access to them unless you buy them all again, its my property so if I want to get use out of it give me a choice. I think I prefer my XB1 and Switch these days (as in past customer services on both have been great, but Sony has had my ps4 pro for 5 weeks and they tell me it can be up to 3 months to fix it ffs (no power to usb ports and turns off after 3 hours use). I wish I took it back to shop demanded a new one and a new years warranty with it as I've missed mp with my mates (Thanks Sony - I will peruse some compensation off you (3 months PSN none use for starters), if not sell my console and games (Once I finally get my repaired console back) and then never buy another Sony product again this is unacceptable). Sony Customer Service sucks balls.
@dudebropartyyo: They will never drop online anymore as they are greedy and want to charge for micro transaction, if you hex edit your game to give yourself some cash to buy cool cars then your cheating if you pay us $600 that's cool.
cheaper to buy a retropie than get miked with these old game prices (4 games for £10) or £1 each would be better even the indie games are far more expensive than other consoles/pc (by £2-£3). Roll on some new games like Mario Odyssey and splatoon 2 (even street fighter 2 is an overpriced dinosaur) least i got mario kart to play and finish zelda off (if I can be arsed as got bored of it after 2 hours) expect all capcoms old catalog to be milked.
@MMX377: It looks like it could have been dlc. but then £20 vs £90 so they stuck a 2 on it so they can charge us more and lose all progress all emotes etc robbing bastards. Originally they said characters would be transferable now they have moved the goal posts so I can't trust em and no dedicated servers on pc ffs its 2017 not 1917.
Not Going to happen as currently the PS4 Pro is only affordable new hardware and then Scorpio 40% better a year later (and the models below XB1 slim and PS4 Slim are becoming more affordable for folks that don't own them yet) but be about 2020 at least before we see a new console as it would confuse consumers. It will be 2 - 5 years before we see next gen DDr 6 (or hbm2 systems) etc).
i downloaded it tried it for 5 mins thought it was shit uninstalled it. glad you are enjoying it though. (I prefer a joy pad and never really liked mobile games to be fair as I find them unplayable without a pad).
Balders74's comments