Well Both are Great Games. I prefer Forza 6 due to driving assists so easier to get into and enjoy with my friends online than project cars. As I've got older my reactions aren't as good so the driving assists help me enjoy the game, plus when family are round the younger kids can enjoy it with all assists turned on.
I bought wild star and it was OK but not worth £10 a month sub. So might sub again in the winter when I'm stuck indoors (also by then bugs should be fixed and I can see if new content is added without having to buy expansion packs on top of the sub). I can't see why these greedy companies do subs, a $50 dollar A year expansion should include all yearly fees. I bought the wow expansion and will play it for 1 or 2 months then cancel until the next expansions out (but its starting to bore me so don't think I will buy next expansion). PC's these days and consoles can have 64 players online and most mmos you play and quest in an area with a few friends and like me may do a 5 man instance (never been into raiding), so paying £50 for a game then having to sub is nuts. You could be in a game lobby and do instances and add people to friends list like in diablo 3, battlefield 4 etc. I think Wildstar and Wow expansion will be the last mmo I buy as I don;t feel they are great value for money. You buy an expansion you can't fly again (wow) or in 2 mins all your old gear is better from all green drops (so why waste £10 a month sub, just buy next expansion sub for 2 months and cancel and save £100.
Wow is the worse offender for no extra content. Or its seems like half the dungeons etc have been disabled when an expansion is released and they enable them gradually over 12 months saying they adding new content which kidna of sucks.
@superjenius Well I can understand the new stuff being X-box one only.
Be nice to have Gears 1 -4 halo collection (with sneak peaks of GOW 5 and Halo 5 and say only on X-BOX ONE), Kameo, etc, etc. They could also pay someone who knows how to convert consoles games properly like the chap that does the Dark Souls PC mods etc rather than the over the priced lazy programmers that give us appalling Ports (I think these guys must spend 95% of there time in the pub and rest of time converting these poor ports). Then they would have no excuse and let people get a free upgrade to X-BOX one version if they purchased it on 360 or only charge £2 for the upgrade.
MS would make millions selling all the old games on PC.
Well no one should use the windows live platform going forward and hopefully all games will get this crap removed so I can play them without any worries. I don't think any one will trust what MS does going forward as they properly f**ked the live experience up. This could have been great X-box players against PC players etc (and allowed mouse and keyboards on consoles and sorted). But no it was a big pile of crap, hence why this crap makes me mad and I sold my 360 and x-box one as I will no longer trust MS. I have some games I can no longer play on steam thanks to this live crap.
Balders74's comments