@Archangel3371: "The punishment should be firm enough to make people more considerate of others."
Laws and punishment aren't there to make sure people are considerate to others. They are to ensure a stable society. And laws that allowed people who felt some wasn't 'considerate' to them to sue is just plain beyond dumb. It doesn't matter how offended you are. I don't care if someone if highly offended and I don't expect them to care if I am offended.
Plus things like this don't make me think to be more considerate of others; they make me resentful and bitter towards those who constantly claim to be offended and makes me care much less about their feelings. It turns into a big game of 'who can be the biggest victim.'
@Archangel3371: You really think someone has the right to sue because they had their feelings hurt? It doesn't matter what someone calls you they don't owe you millions. They owe you nothing. People's feelings frankly don't mean anything. Maybe I'm heartless for thinking this but I prefer the term "normal" and if you call me something else I guess you owe me something.
The only possible owing here could possibly be would be unpaid wages.
Someone didn't refer to you using the word you wanted, thus you feel entitled to 3 million dollars from them?
This culture of perpetual offence and sense of entitlement that flows from it has really gotten old. No one owes you anything, no matter how hurt your feelings are. Anyone with sense doesn't give a crap if a stranger is offended by something so petty. I know I don't. The sooner we stop with the everyone's a victim narrative the better. Because it is literally ruining people's lives.
Balrogbane's comments