The phenom runs at 3.2 Ghz while the i7 runs at 2.66 shouldnt the phenom technically be faster...and how does intels hyper threading technology compare to Phenoms HyperTransport mode?
basketcase14240's forum posts
lol wow you really do know alot about your a computer science major then?
oh and if i restore the files on my back up can i make it delete everything else on my comp except the backup files
soo you reccomend backing up my files then? also if i want to restore those files and drivers can i make it delete everything else on my comp except the backup files..?
hmm okay now i have 3 it manually..create a back up..or download that software...alrightt thanks guys now i feel more confident in building a comp incase it gets messed up with viruses. and thats pretty interesting stuff about reformating the hard seems simple enough
You can just reformat the drive, the recovary software just reformats the system partition and replaces it with the data from a backup partitionmarkop2003.....uhmmm sorry i dont kno what any of that do u learn this stuff by the way? are you a comp engineer or something...anyway can you try and explain this in simpler terms or is there just some software i can buy to do this for me?
Im going to build my first computer and i was thinking about how on my alienware desktop right now it has this recovery software that allows me to restart my comp to original settings like how it left the factory..that program has saved my comp so many times and its the only reason its lasted so i was wondering if im building it myself how can i do that? im sure there has to be a way.
ps sorry this isnt on the cnet software discussion..those forums looked more confusing to use i figured i could just ask on here
[QUOTE="basketcase14240"]my friend said that the onboard audio for mobos is usually really bad so he said to get a sound card...but you guys are hinting that the speakers i picked suck lol what do u reccomend i do for better sound qualitychefkw
Its not necessarily that the speakers are bad, its that a $90 sound card is a bit overkill for 2-speaker stereo sound. Onboard sound has improved significantly. I'm no audiophile, but I'm perfectly happy with my 4.1 speaker setup using onboard sound.
alright so i guess what i have no is good enough then...thanks for the helpalright and i think the case should handle it all pretty well..its got temp monitors and stuff so i should be good.. and im leaning towards the AMD right now since u guys all said it was basically just as good while having a lower on a budget so cheaper is deff betterYe true, if your not going to overclock then dont bother buying a new cooler... just keep your eye on the CPU temps (But i dont think you will have any problems, i think my friend just got a bad heat sink).
Are you going for the Iintel or AMD?
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