Before you answer, let me expound on this a little bit more. When I say "drum first," I'm talking about bands with great drummers and/or bands who have drumming as the "lead" so to speak. Without questioning my taste, a big reason I've loved blink-182 for as long as I have is because both Tom and Mark (vocalists, guitar and bass, respectively) are such novices instrumentally, they allow Travis free reign, essentially, to guide where their songs go. It feels right to me, even though I know the structure is incredibly basic.
I find this to be true also of a lot of 80s bands: The Cure, The Smiths, Echo & the Bunnymen, etc. or, at the very least, I really love their drumming. They find a groove or rhythm, and I rarely ever dislike it. But I know blink-182 and 80s bands have fairly little in common. :P
What bands do you like that "drum first?" What genres (excluding metal, I'm sorry, I'm just not super into it at the moment) lend themselves to "drumming first?'
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