nuyasha, Miroku, Sango ,and Shippou return to Naraku's castle in hopes of destroying him once and for all. Unfortunatly, the youkai has already abandaned his castle and disappeared.
Kagome is back in the present preparing for a math test planned to take place the next day. Even though she doesn't know any of the covered material, she still daydreams of Inuyasha's whereabouts. The 15-year old tries to photocopy the notes of her three friends. In order to do so, she even invited them to lunch at Mcdonald's. Despite this fact, Kagome still wasn't able to photocopy the notes due to the lack of copy machines. In the end, the girl was on her own. Returning home to study for the test, Kagome is still lost. She spends hours on the phone asking her friend which turned out completely useless. Assuring herself to study extremely hard the next day, the girl went to sleep.
The next morning, the sleepy-head woke up finding Inuyasha waiting for her. Angered but unable to do a thing, Kagome forced the hanyou to stay inside the house until her return. Two seconds after the school girl left the house, her mother asks Inuyasha to deliver the forgotten lunch. Curious of kagome's world, the dog-demon accepts the quest. (note: He wears a hat to hide his ears.)
Because he does not know the location of Kagome's school, Inuyasha uses his sensitive dog nose to sniff out her scent. As he is doing so, the people on the street stared at him with suprised looks as they saw a 15-year old boy dressed in an all red with white hair crawling on the ground like a dog. Suddenly, a police man yelled out, " Someone! Please catch him!! " A bank robber rushes around the corner and runs into Inuyasha. Naturally, the hanyou knocks the man unconcious. Continuing his journey, Inuyasha runs into a burning apartment with a little girl still stuck inside. The dog-demon saves the little girl but while doing so, he loot hat.
Kagome is still suffering in school not knowing much of the discussion. She catches sight of Inuyasha at the window and begins to panic. As one of her male classmates turns to look at the window, the 15-year old girl immediately screams out," Sit! " A loud bang is heard and Inuyasha falls onto the ground from a 2 (?) story building. The teacher heard Kagome's scream and asked her to stand as punishment. After class, Kagome meets Inuyasha on the roof. She discovers that he came to deliver her forgotten lunch. Happy to see Inuyasha do such a thing for her, she offers to share the meal with him. As she opens her lunch box, she sees that half of the food has already been eaten. Turning to Inuyasha, she comments, " I see... so you already have. " (eaten some.)
At the school library, Kagome begins another attempt to study for the upcomming test. She meets Hojo whom gives her some medicine for her "sicknesses." Even though she runs after him hoping to borrow his notes, she misses him and is once again stuck in a bad situation. Back at home, she starts her last attempt to study. Inuyasha was bugging her figiting this way and that; thus, she cried out, " sit, " which forced the reluctant hanyou to fall onto the ground.
Still unable to gain quietness from the dog-demon, Kagome asks her little brother, Souta to keep him busy. Not knowing Inuyasha was from the past, little Souta takes the hanyou to take a bath. Because there was no hot water in the Feudal era and because he was unprepared, Inuyasha screams out, " HOT!!" and runs into Kagome's room immediately without getting dressed first. As Kagome saw the naked boy in her room, she lost control of herself and threw everything she could reach at the poor dog-demon. Kagome's mother asks Inuyasha to have dinner and she serves him dinner. The hanyou ate it when it was still burning hot and so he burned his tongue and ran into Kagome's room complaining the second time.
Finally, things settled down and Inuyasha sat quietly on Kagome's bed as she studied for her test. Kagome on the other hand, still got distracted by his prescense and kept thinking of the hanyou. After a while, the dog-demon fell asleep on her bed and she realized that the person who deserves to rest most was Inuyasha. She gapes at his calm sleeping face as the day ends.
From 9 to 9:45 the next morning, Kagome took her math test while half asleep due to the reason of Inuyasha sleeping over. As they returned to the Feudal era, Inuyasha was in a happy hyper mode while Kagome was all sleepy and angry. Shippou comments, " Ahh, nice weather. " ending the episode.
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