At the start of this ep u can hear heavy footsteps and grunting noises. it turns out that was ah un with rin riding on his back.they are in a mountainous area. its very dark and misty as they all stop at the edge of a cliff. rin asks where they are. jaken explain to here that this is the place where ryuukotsetse was sealed (that the demon in teh end credits called fukai mori. the same demon that killed sess and inus father) but jaken notices that the demon isnt there and asks if inu yasha couldve done this. (in eps 53-54 inu destroyed ryuukotsetsei with tessaiga greates power called, bakuryuuha. he also fought him to make tessaiga lighter and not let his demon blood take over when he is away from his sword) sess tells jaken that nothing is certain. jaken starts to get angry. he is in shock that something sess powerful dad could only seal inu yasha destroyed and lived. jaken freaks out when he notices they left him behind and yells for them to wait up. the leaves are rustling and there is a sligth breezes. but something in moving within the darkness. they have red eyes. kouga hears them and ginta asks him whats wrong. the wolves start growling. kouga asks them why they havent picked up on the scent yet. hakkaku and ginta sniff the air and realizes its from the cat people. one of the wolves looks over the cliff and sees a stampede. ginta wonders why the cats are here. kouga says he doesnt know and doesnt care. he walks away and tell them not to worry about it. it is unnecessary trouble. there is very loud snoring coming from the cave. (its the demon naraku put 2 shards in in ep 20-21 when sess put a hole in inus stomache and when inu sent kagome back to her own time.) he hears rumbling noises, wake up and looks outside. he is panicking when he sees the stampede of cat people. its daytime again. and inu and shippo are sitting on the roof complaining that it is very late. inu is very impatient and says it has been 3 days. inu jumps off the roofs and goes off. shippo asks him where he is going. inu says he is going to get kagome back. shippo smiles. inu reaches the well and jumps in. back at kagomes house. kagomes mother and souta just arrived as grandpa is reading a newspaper. inu is sitting down with buyo in his arms. souta is glad to see him. they both welcome him. inu asks where kagome is. they says that she should be returning soon from school. kagome crosses the street and waves goodbye to her friends. kagome is walking up the stairs to the shrine. (I LUV THIS PART inu is freakin hilarious) inu is making the strangest noises as he is playing with buyo. inu goes, (rolls buyo back and forth with his tail) hurrrrrrrrrde hurrrrrrrrrrrde hurrrrrrrrde (moves buyos ass up and down) dooooo daaaa doooo daaaa (moves buyo tail around in circles while saying) heheheheheheheheheeheheh . LMFAO. good thing kagome just arrives to stop inus nonsense. inu has a big smile on his face when he sees her and welcome her. kagome is shocked and asks him why he is here. inu calmly tells her that he came to bring her back. kagome responds uh the old age is fine but.... inu puts his hands on his hips get angry and yells, IT IS NOT FINE, EXACTLY HOW LONG ARE U PLANNING TO STAY HERE? kagome tells him that since she is always there sometime here should be fine. inu stands up and says, whatever, lets just go already. kagome says, eeeeeh right now? her mom offers inu to eat with them. inu crosses his arms and says, if its food, its fine after returning. her mom says with a smile that they are having steak. inu is interested. back with sango miroku and shippo. shippo told them that inu went back to get kagome. shippo is very disappointed and says he would like to go over to her time. at least just once. hachi terrified voice can be heard. he asks miroku for help. miroku asks him whats wrong. hachi tells them that he doesnt want to be found because it seems like its the ones from the west. miroku is confused by his words and tell him to speak in a more understandable manner. hachi screams that its the cats. hachi couldnt have a more scared expression on his face. he says that the cats have come here in search for jewel shards to defeat the local demon group. he continues by saying he knew he wouldnt survive and didnt want to be captured so he ran here. miroku asks him what kind of opponents they are. hachis shout in a frustrated tone THEY R CATS THEY R CATS. shippo akss if they are monster cats. sango notices soemthing approaching them and alerts miroku. its one of the cats demon and she asks where their prietess with shards is. hachi is totally freakin out. kaede i watching from inside. she comes out and asks the cat if she has something with her. teh cats demon looks at her and in very disappointed and shouts NO NO a younger with a flappy dress person. miroku wonders if she is talking about kagome (duh) hachi is tugging on his arm. shippo tells miroku that she has a cats scent. hachi starts screaming and point at her yelling, ITS THE CAT FROM THE WEST. she explains to them that she is from the fire cat clan and demands for then not to group her with some run of the mill cats. miroku and sango ready their weapons. shippo runs away scared and lands on sangos boomerang. kaede demands to know why she came. the cat simply tell them for the jewel shards. with a snap of her finger several cat demons appear out of no where and land behind her. she demands that they give up the shards. miroku refuses and shippo tell them that the shards are not here anyway. the cat asks with a mischiveous tone where the priestess is. sango gets angry and say that she refuses to answer. the cats ready there claws and she tell them to attack. they charge after them miroku blocks each attack with his staff. sango swings her boomerang around but the cats dodge. hachi runs away screaming his head off but cats come on either side of him. he decide to jump in the water. the cats chase shippo. shippo is running as terrified as hachi was. kaede shoots off an arrow at the fire cat but she easily dodges. she tells all her cats to return. they all do backflips and land on the ledge next to her. she tell the cats that it seems like the priestess isnt here, she takes out a small ball and drops it. it explodes creating smoke and by the time the smoke clears they are gone.shippo stops running and wonders if they retreated. sango comments that it was good kagome hasnt returned yet. back with inu making his funny noises playing with buyo. he has each of buyos front paws in his hands and makes buyo dance. but buyo scratches his hand and inu scream OOOOOOOOOOOUCH. grandpa readin the newpaper next to them demands that inu stop irritating the cat. inu says he is only playing with it. grandpa explains about a cats grudge that it is scary and u dont know how long it will last. inu brushes off his comment and says a cats grudge is nothing to worry about. he continues playing with buyo holding buyo by his hind legs upside down this time. inu has his craziest smile yet. kagome comes in, realizes what hes doing and sits him then calmly tells him dinner is ready. lol. during dinner, they offer inu to stay with them tonight. souta gets excited and tell inu that they should sleep together. (that really didnt sound right souta. LOL) inu is eating the steak like mongral. lol. kagome is very embarrassed. back in inus time. its night time and there are four cats discussing about the strange prietess and the jewel shards. the four cats are standing next to each other making a diamond shape and 10 cats are behind each one of them. the fire cats asks shuun (wind cat) to come with her. shuun accepts. a large male cat asks anija (ice cat) what she is goind to do. she says she knows the area she'll go and have a meeting now. he asks her if she'll be alright alone. she says she is fine and he can help karen (fire cat) as well. they all accept the plan and anija tell them they will meet at the entrance. with a flick of her wrist they all disperse and go off on their missions. its daytime again. and inu and kagome just arrived at the feudal era. inu jumps out of the well first and reaches for kagome and pulls her out and asks if she is ok. b4 she can answer shippo welcome her. inu is shocked that they are there and falls out of the well landing on his @ss. lol. miroku sango shippo are playing cards while hachi is resting on the ground. kagome asks what has been happening. miroku responds, if anything will happen it will be from now on. inu yell at them telling them to make more sense. shippo calmly tell him that its cats. hachi gets scared again. kagome slowly hides herself in the well. inu yasha is very confused. (as usual) back with rin. she is in a river with teaching jaken how to fish. jaken keep reaching and missing. rin is still dancing around in teh river giving driection to jaken on where to grab them. jaken get very frantic and frustrated. sesshoumaru i resting up against a tree watching them but then his eyes begin to wander off to the side. jaken is holding a fish above his head as he is doing the victory dance saying, I DID IT RIN I DID IT. rin compliments him saying he is a great hunter. sess in the backround is walking the other way. someone is walking on the river. with each step the person takes the water turns into ice. all of the water next to sesshoumaru turns into ice and a figure surrounded in mist approaches him. its anija the ice cat. she says with a smile, been a while eh sesshoumaru? sess says, oh u r still alive eh? she tells him that she is planning to end their fights now. sess tell her he doesnt cae about the fights. sess says, fine this time it wont be like 50 years ago. anija responds, unromantic as usual, but i will also say it wont be like 50 years ago, teh lord is waiting for u. sess asks her who that is. she tell him that the lord is the surpreme commander. she points in his face telling him that HIS father is dead but their lord will so be ressurected...finally. he asks her what will happen after its resurrected. she explains that they will continue their conquest of this land and (she glares at him) get revenge against ur lot. sess tell her that this time the living ones will stop them. she opens her arm and say with a big smile on her face that she is glad to hear that he will stand against them.sess reaches for his sword. she tells him to wati and fight them at their castle. she sends ice at him and disappears. sess just stands there glaring. all the ice from the river is gone and its back to flowing water again. rin is running up to sess with a smile holding up a ton of fish. when rin reaches him she gives him all the fish. jaken demands that he not get left behind again. jaken reaches them out of breathe. sess tells him that the fire cats have come back. jaken screams in fear. sess calmly tells rin to wait there for him with ah un. rin smiles and obeys while jaken and sesshoumaru head off. back with inu yasha. inu asks hachi about the cat demons. hachi explains that it happened 50 years ago and that the cats had come from the west. inu says he doesnt know about this and asks him if it really happened in this area. miroku asks inu if i happened during hte time he was sealed. inu stops pouting asn says oh yea then i wouldnt know about it. (duh) shippo tells him that even he doesnt know about it. inu says in a taunting voice that shippo was a kid then. shippo runs up to and starts beating him telling him to stop with the kid stuff. kagome asks hachi what happened. hachi has his hands on his head saying that he ran away. miroku rolls his eyes. lol. hachi says that after a while he heard rumors that the cats actually left. inu asks why that happened. hachi says he doesnt know. just at the moments karen voice is heard from behind him and hachi freakes out. karen sees kagome and says, aaah so that is the strangely dressed priestess. shippo screams. ITS THE CATS. karen tells, cats cats! stop with that u raccoon. shipo yells, IM A FOX. lol. inu finally stands up from sitting on the well and asks them what they want. karen points to kagome and tell him he wants that strange priestess of his with the shikon shards. inu gets angry and says that if they want her they have to get through him. shuuran (the electricity cat) laugh and says, heehe so u r a half demon eh? karen comes to the realization that hes inu yasha. inu is shocked she knows his name. miroku asks him if he knows these cats. inu says he doesnt. karen says that he is definately sesshoumarus younger brother. karens tell shuuran that she will take care of inu while he gets teh priestess. inu charges after them. a fireball almost hits him. karen mischiviously tells inu that she is his opponent but wont be killing him. she begins to blow fire out of her mouth and it makes a fire barrier around her body. shuuran attack miroku and sango but they both dodge and shuuran is shocked. shuun comes and a breeze of flowers goes by kagome and kagome falls down unconcious. kirara standing beside her also cant take it and is in the ground growling in pain. shuuran is happy to see that shuun has arrived and begins to charges up his electricity. there is a huge explosion of light that swallows them all. when the light disappears the 3 cats are next to each othre with kagome in shuurans arm. inu recovers form the light and realizes they have kagome. he reaches out for her and screams, KAAAAAAAAAAGOOMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. karen says in an evil voice, hmmm seems like this woman is important to u inu yasha. inu yasha barely gets up and demands that they let kagome go. karen tells him to go to their castle to get her back. they all disappear and several other cats surroung inu yasha giving more time for them to escape. inu attacks but the cats are to fast and dodge. inu becomes very frustrated and runs after them. shippo catches up to inu an djumps on his shoulder saying he will come as well. sango miroku finally recover from the light. miroku asks if kirara is ok. sango says kirara is fine just unconcious. hachi runs over to miroku bows and tell him that he will leave them now. miroku has a very freaky angry expression as he tells hachi that he IS coming as well. hachi tries to get away but miroku grabs him by his shirt and drags him.lol. inu with shippo on his shoulder is running through the forest. he is still pissed and wonders where those cats got to. shippo tries to knock some sense into his head telling him to calm down and that the cats scent is very clear. inu yasha stop running sniff the air and finds the driection. miroku, hachi, and sango catch up to him. sango is holding kirara in her arms. they ask inu where kagome is. inu says in a deteremined tone that he WILL get kagome back.ryokan, the forest protector (demon form ep 20and 21) is looking down from the cliff as sesshoumaru and jaken are there. jaken wonders if sesshoumari is planning on fighting them alone. jaken stops and ryokan has come down to where they are. ryokan tells sesshoumaru that he would like to help him. sesshoumaru just walks past him saying he doesnt need him. ryokan looks very upset and disappointed. sess tells ryokan to leave b4 he gets killed. ryokans eyes widen and he has a scared expression. jaken tells sess that ryokan is on hie side and that he should take help. sess calmly tells him he doesnt need it. tears fill ryokans eyes. jaken reminds sess that inu yasha is available this time. ryokan begins to weep and cry. sess says, jaken..... its enough having u with me. (WTF?!?!) jaken just stands that shocked for a bit. then HE starts to cry because of sess words. jaken runs to sess with his hand over his face wiping away his tears saying, i will come anywhere with u sesshoumaru. jaken suddenly stop and thinks, hmmm but at this rate i might die. a sweatdrop rolls down his face. kirara is back on her feet. miroku and sango are on kirara. shippo is on inu yasha and hachi is in his transformed state following them in the sky. a tornadoe approaches them. shippo says, hey inu, isnt that kouga. inu stop and kouga comes out of his tornadoe and demands to know where kagome is. inu yells, yea like i am going to tell u. kouga tells inu that there has been a scent of disgusting cats around but (kouga yells) today he sensed kagomes. inu shuts up for a bit looking a little guilty shippo has a funny expression. inu then yells back SO WHAT ABOUT IT? kouga squeezes his fist and yells, HEY DOGSH1T U B@STARD U R NOT SAYING U LET KAGOME GET KIDNAPPED BY THOSE CATS R U? (inu is speechless and begins to get mad)(kouga points at inu) WHAT THE HELL WERE U DOING? inu tells kouga to shut up and that the cats were using weird techniques. ginta and hakkaku finally catch up to kouga. but kouga runs away in the opposite direction. hakkaku demands that kouga wait and they start to run after him again. miroku and sango explain to inu that this is a good thing. they have more help now since kouga is worried about kagome. shippo says yea and kouga is also very strong. inu grabs shippo by the head and throws him back. he flies screaming and miroku catches him. lol. inu angrily tell them that he doesnt need kouga and that HE will save kagome. the four cats meet up in a mountainous area. kagome is struggling to get free and demands that they let her go. shuun hands over the jewel shards. kagome reaches out demanding the shards back. anija asks whats up with her. they tell her that she is inu yashas woman. anija responds, inu yasha? the dog fathers violent son? shuun says yea he was alive!! what a surprise! karen explains that this girl would be good bait so they brought her along also. kagome demands to know what they want from inu yasha. shuun smiles and calmly tell her that they want him to die. kagome finally shuts up. anijs looks up to the sky and says that they dont need bait and that inu will definately come. kagome wonders what these cats could be planning. kouga is ontop of the cliff smiling down on kagome. he is encase in sunlight. kouga says that he will save her. karen sends a fireball at him. kouga dodges and jumps down from teh cliff calling karen an @sshole. when kouga jumps down 4 more cats show up. kouga beat them up as he is falling. the cats retreat and kouga follows. just then inu yasha arrives. inu gets ahead of kouga. inu says i dont need ur help. kouga responds, who said i was helping u i am helping kagome. they comes to a gigantic wall. kouga and inu call out her name. ginta and hakkaku catch up with them asking what has happened. kouga explains that the cats have gone and their scent has disappeared as well sorta like narakus barrier. inu gets an idea. he takes out his sword. kouga says, WTF r u doing. but just then kouga is in shock. inu closes his eyes, concentrates and makes his sword red. and we can see wind energy going towards the wall.
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