bb2945's forum posts
[QUOTE="bb2945"]Don't really see myself making the full change to PC for games with the next generation of consoles coming out in a year or so. FelipeInsideYou don't have to, you can have the best of BOTH worlds. I used to have a 360 and then a PS3, and used to play PC and then go over to consoles for FIFA and exclusives (Uncharted, God of War etc). I later sold the consoles cause I wasn't playing enough of them. Saying that, you will 99.99% of the time get a better looking game on PC. The graphics of a standard PC overpower any console in the market, so imagine a gaming PC.... Also you get cheaper prices on PC, better controls (most of the time), more customization and even mods. What about consoles on a top of the line HDTV? They would probably have a chance against a gaming PC.
I like it a lot,but that's the game that crashed my PS3, so I may hold it against them. Also, I don't really like EA for anything but sports games, Battlefield didn't really do it for me, but maybe it's just the single player campaign.
Well, it all turned out fine. I was able to finish the download at the local high school. I'm enjoying the game now, and everything is back to normal. Diablo III is next up for me, but I will need to actually have broadband myself in order to play that. Have you tried the game? It seems pretty good, but I'm already getting wiped out on normal difficulty. Once I get my PS3 back from Sony this will be vying with Fifa and Dishonored for best game. My pick is Dishonored, but XCom may surprise me!Played Battlefield 3 without the Internet? I'm guessing ur talking about the bad SP Campaign? If so, you played that game totally wrong. BF3 is all about MP.
And I feel like a broken record here, but no one is setting you up to fail.
It's like you go buy a car, you run out of petrol 2 days later and blame the car salesperson cause he didn't tell you about refilling at the petrol station. Grow up.
Is that weird? Do you think that it could be the additional DLC that it is making me download in order to play the game?That is really weird that you had to download so much I haven't heard of anyone having to do that. Hope that your game works. As for me I'm waiting for a holiday sale since I got like 8 other games I need to beat :). Can't wait to start playing Xcom later this year though.
[QUOTE="bb2945"]Okay, if you just want to help me, then you can tell me if you think that I will eventually be able to complete this download and play the game. Maybe I should just think Steam is good enough for that. The XCOM warning is pretty ridiculous that I can't return the game if it doesn't work. I guess it's no one's fault that they require the internet, but that is pretty surprising that the two games I wanted to get both screwed me like that (Diablo III). They should have made it more clear at the store that all the big time games require the internet. That is a lot different than playing on PS3.Toxic-SeahorseI know for a fact the Diablo III box says "internet connection required." It's not their fault you didn't read the box nor did you research what you were purchasing. Do you always blindly buy stuff without doing research? It's not intuitive that a game would need to use the internet even for a person to start playing at all. That's not something that I am familiar with. I'm surprised that it's different than the PS3.
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