Nice to see MS finally paying for their consumer-unfriendly behaviour. I manually updated to Windows 10 as soon as it was available but people & businesses should have the right to update on their own schedule, not have it forced on them.
For small businesses who may not have dedicated IT staff, this can be a big issue. I see a lot of people in the comments who somehow missed that this was a travel agency who potentially lost income due to the PC running slowly & maybe even had Point Of Sale software that wouldn't have been compatible with the new OS.
The concept of 'unstacking' the cities looks interesting but I wonder how they will balance losing the resource tile to build a wonder over the top of it. It kinda makes me want to pick up Endless Legend to see how they handle cities on multiple tiles... hmm Steam sale...
Firaxis don't have a history of releasing games that are great at launch. Civ V was made better with G&K & then again with BNW. Civ: BE was severely underwhelming. I really hope Civ VI will be great but I'm approaching with caution.
@graffitiheart: I liked Billy Madison but I wouldn't put 50 First Dates on my list.
Maybe he needs to pull a Robin Williams & play a psycho killer in a serious movie or something. I can't imagine him being good but it can't be any worse than what he's been doing. Maybe it could work?
Great attempt at an interview. Too bad Sweet had nothing new to say & just sidestepped every question.
I haven't tried VR since the original Oculus DK so I have nothing bad to say about their hardware but I really don't like the way they're running the company. I don't see Asus or BenQ making games that are only compatible with their monitor & having a game that is only compatible with one VR headset doesn't make sense either. If a customer pays for a game, they should be able to play it on whatever hardware they own without DRM limiting the product they paid for.
The way they sidestep these issues with standard PR misdirection doesn't do anything to make me like them better either. If they just said, "yep, competition is tough & we have to do whatever we can to get more Rift units out there", I would at least respect their honesty.
@KerrinScott: And who would want to explore all the dialogue choices in a Bioware game? Sure, you can just skip through conversations & get to killing things but that's not the way most people play RPGs. Saying the dialogue is "optional" isn't a valid excuse in my book.
When I say it beats the player round the head with it, I'm really referring to how on the nose or how awkward it was. Perhaps it's a problem that all sorts of characters tend to just open up & tell you their whole life story after just meeting you. I get that you're playing the Inquisitor but a lot of those conversations don't feel genuine. Mostly Bioware dialogue is pretty good & worth exploring but I do remember Krem's dialogue in particular feeling rather forced. It was all, "look are accepting we are".
I want to emphasise that I don't have a problem with the character being there. I just have a problem with the way it felt like an agenda was being pushed rather than having an organic conversation. Ves in The Witcher 2 & 3 is another similar character who is portrayed a lot better in my opinion. She doesn't entirely eschew her femininity but still struggles with being a female soldier in a man's world. If you engage in dialogue with her, it's not like your only option is to ask, "how come you dress like a man?" It's all about the way the character is presented & how natural the dialogue feels.
@Mogan: Yeah, when you try to represent the 2% of the population in a cast of a dozen characters, it gets weird.
Dragon Age: Inquisition had that female soldier who identified as a man & instead of just being subtly there, they tried to beat the player round the head with it. I prefer Brianne of Tarth in GOT who is just there being a badass, not needing to discuss her personal stuff with every passer by.
bbq_R0ADK1LL's comments