The AR games felt really out of place in the first game due to the dark theme so it's interesting that they ditched them this time even though it's a lighter tone. They weren't much fun anyway so it's no great loss. The digital trips were kind of cool though, I hope there's still something like that in WD2.
I have a 100 trillion Zimbabwean dollar note, that used to be the highest denomination. At least that one actually shows the number with all the zeroes, the Hungarian one doesn't.
@johnholmes: People pay for entire concerts shot on a sh*tty iphone? Wow. OK.
I just know that sometimes I've been browsing Youtube & clicked on a video for a song, only to find out that it's some fan recording with audio peaking so bad you can hardly hear what song it is & a better view of the back of some guy's head than anything on stage. I understand that there are black markets for things but that seems like a far worse product than say, a handycam in a movie theatre burned to a DVD.
I know concerts can be expensive & the bands you like don't always come to every city in every country but if you're paying money for cell phone footage, I feel sorry for you. If you're paying for this footage instead of going to the concert (i.e. a genuine lost sale), I don't know what to say. Um, get better ears?
I feel bad because I loved games like Fallout 1 & 2 but when I see a game like this pop up, I just don't see myself getting into it.
I really wanted to like Shadowrun but it was just too janky, too much delay between a click & an action, too much reading. I see Pillars of Eternity or Wasteland 2, games that are dozens of hours long & I just don't think I can bare with dated systems for that long. I played Divinity: Original Sin for about 40 hours & then got frustrated/bored. I tried starting again with the Enhanced Edition but couldn't get into it.
@Stardust7: It had some interesting characters but the story had no real drive. Origins had a big disaster that was imminent, Inquisition had a big disaster with mysterious origins. 2 just had Hawke trying to get ahead & make a comfortable life for his family. Except the game slowly kills off your family members one at a time until there's no real motivation any more.
Plenty of people point to more mechanical reasons why the game wasn't great but the story wasn't compelling either.
@skyhighgam3r: I semi-agree. Uploading an awful recording is hardly going to threaten any sales.
However part of the reason you go to a concert is for the atmosphere & when every idiot is staring into their phone instead of being in the moment, enjoying the experience, that's kind of dumb. People need protection from themselves - they need to be forced to actually enjoy the experience they paid for instead of staring into their little screen, trying to perfectly capture something that will inevitably look & sound terrible anyway. Apple knows best, right? They limit people from doing plenty of other things with their phone, so why not one more?
@starvebox_one: Sorry, let me be more specific. Exclusives suck for consumers.
They are good for selling hardware but I'm a lot less concerned with big companies being even more profitable & more concerned with the average gamer being able to play all the great games without having to lay down hundreds of dollars on hardware that is not that different from the other branded hardware they already own. "I have a CPU, I have a GPU, I'm willing to buy your game. Oh, I have to buy your GPU box before I can buy your game?"
@DarkReign2022: Yep, talking about how great the game is going to look when you're developing for a console makes me sad. Imagine all the lighting & shader effects you could use if you could utilise high-end PC hardware!
I get that Sony funds their studio but exclusives suck.
@deaditelord: Limbo was great but I felt like it wasn't worth the entry price when I bought it from the Playstation Store. I don't feel like I would have missed much by waiting for a Steam sale but I hadn't seen the light back then.
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