@deltafool117: This "no longer constitutes the product(s) I originally purchased", he seems to think he actually purchased something. Anyone with that kind of money to throw around should at least know what a donation is.
I still don't regret my $30 buy-in, I get the full game when it eventually comes out & all the crowdfunding perks along the way. These people putting thousands into the game are crazy though. It's probably their fault that there has been so much feature creep.
OK, more stuff than I can possibly see. But how much of it will I actually want to see?
This looks like a really impressive tech demo but we still don't know a whole lot about what actual gameplay will be like & if it will be compelling enough once you've seen a few different planets. With their small dev team, I'm sure they'll make their money back from this game but to me it's more interesting to think what could happen if they sold their algorithms to other devs. Think about what Bioware could do with the next Mass Effect game if they were able to utilise this kind of technology.
@sargentpsgamer: Yeah, I made the mistake of buying The Wolf Among Us on launch & got stuck with a cliffhanger for so many months that I didn't care any more. Telltale games are much better when you can play the whole thing in a sitting or two. Life is Strange had some crazy cliffhangers that I would have hated waiting for as well. I'm still waiting for Hitman.
Episodic games, like early access are good for developers but not great for most consumers. It may be a trend that sticks around but only because publishers realise they can keep taking money for unfinished games. The problem with Kojima is that he has these ambitious ideas that get blown out of proportion & you may never see the final episode... much like MGS V didn't have a real ending.
Those NPCs in the opening section look like they came straight from the Uncanny Valley. The actual gameplay looks pretty good though. I hope they do a good job with the PC port.
@themacaster96: Most of the MGS V reviews were from a "bootcamp" where they got about 40 hours with the game. It wasn't til a few weeks later that people began to figure out that a huge chunk of the game was simply misisng, patched up & shipped out regardless. It was a great game but giving a 10 to anything that's unfinished, whether or not you think 10 means "perfect", is too much.
@p1p3dream: I don't think they even have a game at this point. Half that stuff will probably be dropped once they get in to real production of the game.
Kojima wanted to make something weird & intriguing & he succeeded at that. He wanted to show that he had whatshisname from Walking Dead involved, he did that. He probably has ideas about what this project will be but games takes years & he's only just founded this studio. Personally I'd enjoy MGS more if it didn't have all the weird Kojimaesque stuff in it, MGS V would have been a better game without all the supernatural nonsense in my opinion but lots of people love it so who am I to judge?
Daredevil was good but Arrow, The Flash, Agents of Shield & just about all other live action comic book TV shows just don't translate well. Sure, there are people who like them but I hate that they can never find the right blend between the fantastical source material & the "real world" setting. The CG budget kind of limits a lot of these shows as well; when writers are limited by the special effects needed to pull something off, the story is often compromised.
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