Good to see. Hopefully this game will warrant a couple of playthroughs.
The Witcher franchise hasn't shied away from different story routes & it really makes your decisions seem more impactful. With Deus Ex having the options of violence vs stealth, it's nice to also see some different storylines play out so it doesn't feel too repetitive.
You can't patent a formula, only the application so it doesn't sound like they have a good case here. Also, it's a little bit late in the play, maybe they only just heard about it due to that interview. Doesn't sound like they're too upset anyway, it might just come down to giving them a credit or something.
It's interesting as a social phenomenon but that interest only lasts so long. It barely qualifies as a game so hopefully we can all stop talking about it soon & leave all the casuals to their Clash of Pokemon Saga or whatever app they're killing time with.
@aegis_kleais: Yeah, I'm really hoping there's a lot of options to crank up for the PC. I'm definitely waiting for a port report before I'm dropping any cash on this game.
@darksouls@Leefx@TheZeroPercent: For me, graphics are all about immersion. A failed attempt at photorealistic graphics can be really distracting & take you out of the experience while simple cartoon-style graphics are much easier to pull off, so long as they fit with the theme. Conversely, well done graphics in games like The Witcher 3 or Rise of the Tomb Raider can make you stop just to look at a stunning vista. The gruesome monsters & spilling intestines in The Witcher are great game elements that wouldn't be possible with a lower level of fidelity.
What passes for good graphics is a changing scale as well. Fallout 2 had these awesome faces for major NPCs when you went into a conversation with them... awesome in 1999. Now they look janky & dated. In fact there are plenty of classic games that I loved as a kid but can't go back to because the dated graphics are so distracting. Janky unresponsive controls & bad UI are also pretty hard to back to when you're used to more modern games.
Saying anything bad about Dark Souls probably isn't a good idea, considering your moniker but I only considered that game playable once there were mods to update the graphics & framerate. Watching my friend play the vanilla version on PC was a blurry mess & I only picked it up once I knew I could make it look less hideous.
Coming back to Pokemon Go, I think you'll find that graphics (or art style) do play an important part in the game. If it was purely text based or had Gameboy-era pixel art, I don't think it would be anywhere near the success it has become. There are barely enough gameplay machanics to even classify it as a game so arguably the cute pictures of Pokemon that you collect are some of the most important draws to the game. Those same cute pictures are also the thing that drives many away.
In short, graphics & art style are inextricably tied to each other. Graphics do matter, just not necessarily photorealistic graphics.
@brifi: Good comments. I felt pretty old too when I realised just how long ago it was that I first played Pokemon. A Gameboy wasn't quite in the budget but I remember almost bricking my 386 to run the emulator.
Back in '98 when I played Pokemon Red, it was super addictive. There was skill & strategy (& grinding), it was a real game. Pokemon Go is an interesting cultural phenomenon but I have no interest in "playing" at all.
Like most most modern mobile apps, there's no skill - just luck & spending more time than the other guy. There's no real fail state, nothing to make you lose progress & stop playing. There's artificial scarcity which you can reduce through microtransactions. It barely qualifies as a game. It's built on the back of all the things I hate about modern gaming with none of things things I like.
I get the appeal & I won't judge other people for liking it but this looks like just another time waster app to me.
@TheZeroPercent: Nintendo didn't prove gaming is about gameplay because this has no gameplay & Nintendo didn't make it.
I can tell you to go outside & play with your friends, oh & here's a plank of wood to play with. I didn't create amazing gameplay by giving you a piece of wood. Anything can be fun with friends.
@showanw: UWP doesn't make all games worse. It just makes the games that use it worse.
Case in point: Rise of the Tomb Raider through Steam is a normal game, it runs pretty well. Rise of the Tomb Raider through the Windows Store can't take exclusive full screen so framerate suffers, it'has forced V-Sync so again framerate suffers but also it can't take advantage of high framerate G-Sync monitors plus there's no SLI support so framerate is significantly reduced from it's potential. MS has said they are going to address these complaints but in it's current state, you will get an objectively worse gaming experience by buying the game through their store.
bbq_R0ADK1LL's comments