@Karmazyn: Crusader Kings 2 has a pretty crazy learning curve too. My advice is to watch other people play, you'll often pick up stuff that you might never have found on your own. Arumba is pretty good.
@fenzl: Probably in a similar way to the first WD. Everyone sees themselves as the main character & other players as just a random person. This time round they might have a specific set of Dedsec hacker skins.
Being able to create a custom character, even for the main game, might have been a cool direction but I guess they wanted to focus on making sure the animations worked with one character model than the extra work involved in allowing a range of character models.
@nikon133: I just see it & think, "oh good, something different!"
One of the reasons I play games is to experience different things, roleplay different characters or see the world through the eyes of someone who isn't me. It just goes to show that there are still racial & political issues that people are even discussing this. If some people don't buy this game just because it has a black protagonist or because they think they're going to be presented with an "political" opinion that's different from theirs, then it's their loss. I'm just happy to see something even a tiny bit different in a game.
I really loved the first Watch Dogs. Sure, there weren't enough mission types & Aiden wasn't the most interesting character but overall it was still a great experience for me.
I was disappointed when the dark themes didn't really pay off & the human trafficking story really fizzled out & there was definitely some dissonance between Aiden's revenge fueled mission & the silly VR games & distractions. It's interesting to see that they've gone for a a lighter tone with this one, hopefully the gameplay fits with the character a bit better.
I don't get hyped over many games but I'm undeniably as hyped for WD2 as I was for the last one. Pre-orders are for suckers so there's no way I'm dropping coin on this til I see some real gameplay & PC performance. I expect most people to be pretty cautious this time round since many were disappointed with WD but hopefully the dev team is aware of that & really come out swinging.
@rebfaction: People have different opinions - deal with it. You can argue the details of why you think I might be wrong but telling me I don't have a right to an opinion won't get you far.
I didn't rag on the game, just said that it didn't live up to expectations for the majority of people. Stop being so defensive. If you enjoyed the game, that's great. If others didn't, that's their own subjective opinion so don't bother telling them why it's not valid.
I watched Until Dawn as well & I had a very positive impression of that game. Both are arguably very narrative experiences that involve a lot of watching while hitting a few QTEs & isn't that far removed from the experience of having the controller in your hands. I would still rent both games if I had access to a PS4 but a handful of exclusives doesn't justify the cost of a whole console when there are more than enough games on PC to keep me entertained.
I'm still hopeful that Ready At Dawn will eventually make a great sequel that meets or even exceeds expectations.
@rebfaction: I am a PC fanboy thank you very much! Xbone fans don't get to make fun of anyone's framerate.
I see it more of a critical analysis of a game that didn't live up to it's potential but at least I admit I haven't played it & that my experience comes from viewing, not playing. I think I was pretty open about that.
@Pelezinho777: This has been flagged. Your comment is not inflammatory enough for the Gamespot forums. Please include a poorly thought out argument as to why the score you would give the game is the only correct option & preferably question infer that the publisher paid for the review score.
bbq_R0ADK1LL's comments