@awptical: True but you're not seeing the value you paid for in the short term. Even Maxwell cards don't really stretch their legs until they hit 1440P - the framerate drop from rendering the extra pixels isn't huge but having a tighter pixel density means you can lower anti-aliasing which will give a decent framerate boost. Supersampling is nice but it won't increase the pixel density of the panel.
@Pryszczus: They seem to be focusing on value in the low-mid range of the market rather than competing for the top. They have been getting pretty good results with Vulcan & DX12 though so perhaps they'll make another dual GPU card to rival the 1080.
@texasgoldrush: I assume you're talking about Divinity: Original Sin 2 because Divinity 2 was another game. http://www.giantbomb.com/divinity/3025-1026/
D:OS2 has been in development for a years & is coming out in a matter of months so I don't think Kevin's going to be able to change much as a writer. Who knows if that's even the project he's working on.
I really hope they do make it more interesting in terms of the roleplay aspect though. All I've seen so far is showing off how your co-op partner can hinder you & turn against you in the middle of a battle or go off exploring somewhere else. Somehow that doesn't give me high hopes for their overall direction of the sequel.
@deviltaz35: But how do you know the Ti models or partner cards with big shiny coolers are worth it if you don't know the performance of the standard editions? Otherwise they could just stamp "Titan" on a potato & charge you $1000 because you don't know what to compare it to.
The base game still looks pretty great. I've been replaying it this week with a couple of texture mods & much like mt first playthrough, I'm often stopping to say, "wow, this game is beautiful!" A lot of people say they don't care about graphics but they're an integral part of the experience for me & I'm frequently impressed by an armour texture, a hilltop vista or the slimy skin of a monster being dismembered by my silver sword. It's certainly not perfect & things like bad lip sync or the odd graphical glitch are disconnecting but it still achieves a more realistic look than most games out there.
Can't wait for the DLC to drop but just playing through again on Death March with a handful of mods & making some different story decisions is enjoyable enough to get me through the next few days.
@jimmythang: OK I'm sure you have the credentials but it still helps to put all the details in the article. It's good that the site is getting some more PC-centric content & I'm sure you want to balance the articles for those who get turned off by too many numbers on a page but for those of us with a real interest in the tech, who are reading a range of articles & trying to get a broader sample of how well each card overclocks, it's nice to have the specifics.
For me, this game fails because it's first person. It's all about picking a cool character that everyone else gets to see while you just look at your hands.
That's just me though, I guess. I don't like games with the first person perspective. Skyrim would have been much better imo if it was better designed for third person play.
It's good to see the fps genre moving forward, even if it's not really my jam. Perhaps I won't have to hear about the stale COD release every year in the future.
bbq_R0ADK1LL's comments