The title should be, "How well does an OC'd 1080 perform?"
This has nothing to do with how well it overclocks. The fact that you just put the fan on max & bumped up voltage "in case you needed more" shows that you don't know enough about overclocking to actually answer the question in the title. What exact voltage did you use & what exact clockspeed did you get? Not just what offset you dragged your slider to.
To really answer the question, you should also talk about GPU Boost 3.0 & the fact that you can set a non-linear curve to overclock by a different offset at different voltages.
I don't claim to be an expert but even my enthusiast-level knowledge is more than enough to tell that this article is lacking the information necessary. If you changed the title so that it asked the question you actually answered, I'd have nothing to complain about.
That synth memory bank level looks horrible. Like Minecraft levels of ugly. Can someone mod that please?
This is why I don't but Bethesda games anywhere near launch. I'll pick up the GOTY Edition When all the DLC is out & mods & patches have fixed the game up a bit.
Much like Tomb Raider got rebooted a few years back, I'm sure we'll get a Witcher reboot upgraded to run on Brain Slug technology or whatever it is we're playing games on in 30 years.
I'm not sad that this was the last Witcher game, it's what they said all along. Isn't it better to leave us wanting more than to draw it out until we're sick of it? I'm just hoping that other devs learn a few lessons from CD Projekt & start implementing a few Witcheresque elements in future games. Plus I can't wait to see what they'll do with a completely different setting like Cyberpunk.
I played Shogun 2 but I enjoyed the macro strategy more than the actual battles. This might be worth a further look but I'm not sure if I have enough time for another strategy game. Stellaris calls.
@Evil_Saluki: I'll probably go lethal & messy with the first run & then go for a full stealth, no kills playthrough. I love that so many options were available in the first game, I hope there's even more room for choice this time round.
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