I'm excited but I'm also a little weary of a new Civ game at launch.
I jumped into Civ V with Gods & Kings & then fell in love with it all over again with Brave New World but I heard it was lacking at launch. Beyond Earth felt empty & lacklustre & Rising Tide didn't look like it would fix what was wrong with the game so I never picked it up.
What I'm really hoping they add in Civ VI is a more robust diplomacy system. If they give AI opponents a bit more character & give each civilisation some interesting cultural differences, that could be an intriguing expansion on the classic formula.
@Seymour47: The way cities expand over multiple tiles looks a little like Endless Legend. I never got round to playing it but it looks interesting.
Civ V was gripping (read:played for 10 hours with leaving my chair 2 nights ion a row) but Beyond Earth felt empty. Let's hope they've learned a few lessons from that.
I don't think it's time to sell my two 970's just yet, I'm still getting great performance at 1440P. This new architecture does look like a pretty big step but I'll wait to see real benchmarks rather than trusting the numbers from Nvidia's marketing team.
I started a New Game Plus on Blood & Broken Bones difficulty & I've been holding off, waiting for this expansion. I want to see how the story plays out when i make some different decisions.
Maybe Death March will be more of a challenge though, by the end of the first playthrough the game was too easy.
@immortality20: I played with keyboard & mouse & really loved the combat.
If you do all the sidequests, you get OP by the end of the game but for most of the game there's a good challenge. They key is to make sure you never get surrounded, backstab damage is huge - against you & against your enemies. Make sure you don't forget about your signs either, Quen is great to save you from the first hit.
Love or hate the combat, the story, the characters & the world are worth the hours you'll put in.
@rolento25@Marky360@triplebullet: Yep, it's a 30fps video so even on your 60Hz monitor that you're probably watching this on, it still won't be perceptible that it's anything above 30pfs. Actually playing the game & feeling the responsiveness is a different story.
G-Sync & Freesync monitors with high refresh rates are becoming more common. I have a 165Hz 1440P monitor & 200Hz extra-wide monitors exist now as well. That video showed the game running in 1080P at huge framerates but the important thing is that at 1440P or 4K, it can still hit well above 60fps.
Doom will likely make you throw up in VR due to how fast paced it is but the GTX1080 is an important step forward for VR which needs a solid 90fps at pretty high resolutions to run smoothly. If you have a standard 60Hz monitor, then this card is overkill, if you want to see the gaming industry move forward past traditional bottlenecks, this looks like a fairly large step.
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