Quit button? Great. Congratulations guys, one step towards bare minimum standard for a PC game. Can actually take exclusive fullscreen? One more step but you're still not there yet. SLI support, G-Sync support & maybe don't try to charge console pricing & maybe I'll have another look.
I liked her in Ex Machina but I don't know if she has the right physique for an action role like Lara Croft. People can comment & joke about bust size all they like but an actress has to have a little athleticism if the audience is to believe that she's scaling cliff faces & making death defying leaps across massive chasms. Perhaps she'll beef up for the role but it's not something female stars tend to do.
Emilia Clarke would have been a better casting choice imo but I'll wait to see how it turn out before I cast judgement.
@jimmythang: Nice, hopefully they give you some shiny new hardware when the next gen of cards release.
I'd thumbs up your comment but the site keeps taking me to some weird error page. Anyway it's cool that you're actually reading comments & taking feedback. Good Job.
@rabih55555: It caused crashes & all sorts of issues for a range of systems. The fact that it ran fine on most systems doesn't negate the fact that it was near unplayable for a great number of people.
Personally it ran OK for me (awful at first but better after a couple of months) but there were some massive framerate drops that I felt my second 970 could have helped out with if they had let it.
@jimmythang@Cryio: The only real bottleneck is the 4GB VRAM. Considering Windows 8.1 & 10 actually have some gaming optimisations that weren't in 7, I think 10 is a fairly solid choice. Ideally the CPU should be the latest model but in reality it's probably not much of a bottleneck either.
980Ti's would be the best option for future benchmarks. The Titan series is technically not even a gaming card & extra VRAM aside, a 980Ti can actually outpace a TitanX in many games. 6-8GB of VRAM is really necessary for getting the most out of 4K gaming. 12GB would be nice to rule out any bottlencks but it's certainly not value for the buck.
Games known to be poorly optimised or still in Early Access probably shouldn't be used either.
As a side note: Mad Max is an amazing looking game that performs surprisingly well at 4K.
@Cryio: True. In fact the ultra texture pack in Shadow of Mordoe requires 6GB of VRAM. If you have less you can set it to ultra but it won't actually use the hi-res textures. That game caused a lot of confusion with benchmarks at launch.
Great move. The best thing about PC gaming is choice & it's good to see that a console game is finally taking a cue.
Scrolling through the comments, you'll see plenty of people arguing that either beautiful graphics or smooth responsive gameplay is more important & the lesson to take from that is that people are different. People want different things. Give them choice & you can make more people happy.
Of course, having a powerful PC & getting both is even better but I argue that it's still a platform that's all about choice. Mouse & keyboard or controller, play at your desk or run a cable to your TV, vanilla or mods... I could go on the but the important thing is that PS4 is moving in the right direction.
bbq_R0ADK1LL's comments