@Bryjoered07: Well they added the comma and "a" so I feel vindicated.
Maybe commenting on grammar is lame but maybe the people who publish these articles actually have just a few journalistic standards & appreciate an error being pointed out so that they can correct it. Which they did.
@hystavito: I think Watch Dogs had some kind of system where if you were in a shop & a TV played a news story about the Vigilante, the guy behind the counter would recognise the player & go to call for the police unless you stopped it by holding him at gunpoint. In practice it wasn't much of an added challenge & you spend so little time in shops that you might never encounter it.
It would be cool if they expanded on the idea in Watch Dogs 2. They could really nail the them by having the player try to retain anonymity & evade pursuers through hacking rather than James Bond ninja skills. There could be a whole subplot to the game about trying to outsmart a wily detective who's tracking you down despite your efforts to hide your digital tracks.
One can dream, right? Perhaps a wandering Ubisoft employee will stumble across our comments & steal our ideas.
Protagonist Lincoln Clay is biracial an orphan, and Vietnam veteran--which stacks a lot of decks against his desire to find a place he belongs.
Good article but that subheading has way too many mistakes. You need a comma after "biracial" and an "a" before Vitenam. Not to mention there's a fundamental misunderstanding of what it means to stack the deck. Stacking a lot of decks of cards in front of somebody probably isn't going to slow them down much; stacking cards in a deck so that they are dealt in an unfair manner is a different story. Also is the deck stacked against him or against his desire? If it's difficult for him to desire things, that might be a fairly boring story. "Where he belongs" is probably more grammatically accurate too but I could let that one slide.
I don't like to nitpick too much but that sentence literally has everything wrong with it..
Looking good so far. In-game Hendrix concert for 10/10.
I remember Mafia II was one of the first games touting PhysX & destructible environments. I hope this game will push a few technical boundaries as well as narrative ones.
@howmakewood: Exactly, it's all upscaling. From what it sounds like here, the TV is doing the upscaling which is the same as what happens when you plug in a DVD or Bluray player. If the actual console can do the upscaling then perhaps that will provide a slightly sharper image or lower input lag or something. Whatever the case, it's not like were looking at 4K vs 900P rendering like the OP suggested.
@Benny_a: Actually I have 2 970's & I run at 1440P. I'm going by benchmarks I've seen where a single 980Ti often struggles to reach 30fps & SLI doesn't always scale well. My point is that you could spend $1300 on graphics cards alone just to get anywhere near a playable framerate at 4K for most modern AAA games so a $500 console is not going to approach rendering anything more complicated than tetris at that kind of resolution.
@silversix_: Xbone renders at 900P, upscales to your 1080P TV. Sony renders at 1080P, upscales to 4K. The games aren't running at 4K. 2 980Ti's in SLI will still struggle to actually render a game in 4K at a decent framerate.
It's 4K abilities will be more about streaming video or upscaling games. That said, it should at least do better at playing future games at 1080P 60fps instead of crippling them as soon as devs want to try to make next year's games look a little better than last year's.
Mirror's Edge is a cool game & I'm sure Catalyst will be a vast improvement but I find the first person view so jarring that I think it will be tough for me to enjoy the game for more than a short stretch. It feels like I'm wearing blinders & extending the field of view just distorts things rather than giving a true sense of having peripheral vision.
It's a personal thing, I don't like first person perspective in general. It would be great if the game was playable in third person. It would really help the roleplay element if I could see more than the hands & feet of the character I'm roleplaying too.
bbq_R0ADK1LL's comments