@muzza93: So raising a kid who steals your credit card & not noticing 68 different charges that he made is great parenting?
For somebody saying that "people should target parenting", maybe he should have paid attention to what games his son was playing & perhaps asked him where he was getting the money for so many new ones. Only judging him by the values he has talked about.
@Gelugon_baat: One thing I miss about owning a console is being able to rent a game over a weekend & not have to buy games that will only take me a couple of days to finish. Games are priced pretty ridiculously in NZ but I can usually count on getting digital copies for a reasonable price on PC.
IF MS thinks they can charge the same as if they had to manufacture a physical product & ship it half way around the world, they are out of touch. They'll need to address both of my issues before I even consider a purchase.
So your version of "good parenting" is allowing your son to use your business credit card to buy games?
This story had nothing to do with games causing violence or anything like that so how is it relevant to him getting caught out not paying back expenses?
I'm actually still keen to give Quantum Break a try. It looks like a fun romp that I could tear through in a couple of days.
Two problems though. 1) I want to know if it will actually use my gfx cards in SLI & my G-Sync monitor. If I can't use the hardware I paid for to get the best out of a game that sells itself on how good it looks, then I'm out. 2) They're seriously trying to sell this as a digital download for NZ$109.95 which is like US$75! No. Just no.
@thiagoamorim: If this game came out 4 years ago it might have got a better score but this is today. It has to be taken in context with other games that are out now. This is how they always work their scores, it's not a Greatest Games of All Time list, it's a reference to use in context of other current games.
If the content of the review convinces you that it's a game you want to play then who cares what score is attached to it?
@rob909e: Yet another reason why scores are irrelevant & the content of the review is what really matters.
There are plenty of games with technical issues that never get fixed so that's not an assumption you can make. In a Dark Souls game, a framerate hitch can get you killed - is that perhaps an important thing you need to know when you are deciding to buy the game? I think so.
@xenomorphalien: I put in about 12 hours. It's a dumb game. Everyone calls it "firm but fair" but that's a misunderstanding of what the game really is. In reality, it's unfair but at least consistent in its unfairness.
I sometimes enjoy dumb movies but I don't pretend they're works of art. The hype around Dark Souls & the type of fanbase it has makes it hard to have a real conversation about what makes it good or bad so it's difficult to get opinions about the game without some idiot fan claiming everyone who doesn't like the game just needs to "git gud".
It's cheaper to buy the GOTY edition of DA: Inquisition than to buy just the main story DLCs. The problem is EA never discount just the DLC enough which is why I'll never buy it.
Well they're hardly going to say it's much worse because of the delay, are they?
How about, "this game was so many different things, we didn't know what to do with it. Shall we have a full-on TV series with a new ep playing every week? Oh no, that's a horrible idea. OK now it's an open world RPG. No, that will cost way too much, it's a linear shooter. It's 30 hours of gameplay. Crap, that's 30 hours of really boring gameplay. ...*many iterations later*... Now it's a stock standard third person shooter with a few time freezing mechanics & some mo-cap of a few big name actors. 10 hours including that TV series thing we tried to do. Don't worry, we'll tell everyone that's it's better this way."
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