@Ayato_Kamina_1: I quite like open world games but "seamless" is hardly a selling point any more. Didn't we drop loading screens several years ago?
As long as Bioware can still tell a good story & develop some interesting characters like they did with DA: Inquisition, then I don't think making it open world will make it a worse game. It's definitely possible that they may fill it with fetch quests & Ubisoft style collectibles but hopefully it won't detract from the main game if you're not into the completionist thing.
The proof is in the pudding. I'll wait to see how well Quantum Break performs but if they do what they say they will, they may just get a sale.
I spent money on multiple graphics cards & a G-Sync monitor because I care about how my games look. Console gamers want ease of use, PC gamers want the ability to choose. As long as MS gives PC gamers the ability to make the most of the hardware they choose to use & mods so they can play the game the way they want to, then we'll be happy.
@cjimrun: People upgrade their smart phones every couple of years these days & that's a full replacement, why not have upgrades for consoles? With phones the up front cost is often dropped in favour of ongoing contracts, perhaps Sony & MS might go down this road too. There are already costs involved for online play & programs like EA Access where you pay a subscription, there might be a market for a higher priced sub that includes full games where you don't have to buy the console outright.
To be fair, it's your own fault if you buy a console for games that aren't out yet & don't get them though. PC is a better platform for many reasons, including that you can future proof yourself a bit better & spread your upgrade cost out over several years rather than buying one box & hope that games will play well on it for the next 7 years.
@bobbo888: I disagree with your opinion of what games are "meant for" but I agree with the sentiment that if games are better viewed than played, it's a failure to use the medium well.
@Richardthe3rd: In countries like Australia, the UK & NZ we actually believe in consumer rights. If a product is defective then you have a right to a refund or a replacement. In places like the US, the balance is skewed pretty far in the direction of businesses.
@maitkarro: I don't think it's relevant to the case here but Valve wouldn't be paying any tax.
New Zealand has a law set to come in to effect soon where any online retailer doing a significant amount of business to NZ will have to add GST (goods & services tax) to it's prices. With GST, essentially the customer always pays the tax but whether the retailer provides a price inclusive or exclusive of GST is up to them.
@smokerob79: Soon the Xbone will be a Windows 10 box as well so you'll have to hope that Sony does exactly what you want them to.
Personally I'll take the option of having better performance. Win10 does do some weird things but it's still far superior to any console I've played on.
@smokerob79: As long as 9 million people bought it, it doesn't matter how many actually liked it. A sequel will happen.
I like to think that the devs have taken on board people's reactions & that WD2 will be a much better game. The first Assassin's Creed was a cool idea but didn't follow through until AC2 came along & improved everything. Let's just hope WD doesn't go down the annual release route that AC did though.
I'm one of the few people that actually admits to enjoying Watch Dogs. I just hope the sequel goes down the darker path that was teased with early footage but never really eventuated. There definitely needs to be more mission variety & other improvements but I'm looking forward to what they do with the series.
Techwise, I hope they make full use of DX12 & allow players to get the most out of using multiple gfx cards.
bbq_R0ADK1LL's comments