@putaspongeon@ishsgames: It took me a while to figure out what game you meant but yes, Tomb Raider was great. I don't consider Quantum Break as even existing on PC until MS fix their weird UWP problems that kneecap PC performance.
In fairness, QB probably still plays equally as well as or even better than on the Xbone but it still doesn't meet the minimum acceptable standard for a PC port.
@eg117: When I gamed on PS3, I rented a lot more than I bought. Infamous: Second Son looks worth owning but 1886 could probably be blown through in an afternoon. There isn't much of a buy-back/second hand market here so buying games is pretty expensive.
I think I'm going to have to con a friend into lending me a PS4 since all the games I want to play that I can't get on PC could probably be played in a week or two if I really tried.
@sargentpsgamer: I don't think you understand what (sic) means.
Other than being a great Slipknot song, it stands for "said in context" which means you are quoting a source that had spelling or grammatical errors. It doesn't denote the intentional inclusion of errors for the sake of satire or sarcasm.
Sorry to be that guy, but yeah, Kanye is dumb. There'd probably be some cosmetic dlc for a plain white t-shirt as well.
@he4rtl3ss@Kiaininja: Did you read this Gamespot article which shows many games that struggle to even reach 30fps @ 4K on three GTX980's? Those cards are over $500 each plus the rest of the system - perhaps if the next PlayStation also costs $4K, it might be achievable.
If the upgrade allows more games to run at 1080P60, that while still improving visuals over time then that will be enough. The only 4K will be in video streaming.
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