Haha Nintendo only lives because of nostalgia. You may debate that their new games are still good but they're not exactly innovating. Mario Kart 8? You made 8 games that are the same!
Silly Ubi, don't release your broken games. Also, don't overestimate the power of the new consoles. They're clearly underpowered & can't render all your things.
@Dannystaples14 @bbq_R0ADK1LL @grenadehh I would disagree with that. Your local McDonald's is a franchise, your local privately owned restaurant is not. Not until they open a second store.
@dermonarch @suppaphly42 @dlaney34 It seems like they made it possible to still be fun for the more casual gamers on normal difficulty. I'm going to start on hard & make plenty of use of the tactical mode.
Angry Joe did a video playing on Nightmare then dropped down to hard & still couldn't beat a boss because he wasn't making use of the tactical cam at all. If you're still worried about combat difficulty, wait til it's out & there are some more videos of people playing on higher difficulties. You don't get much from pre-ordering anyway, just items to make it easier.
I rarely get hyped for games these days. There's so much marketing & BS that only ends up in disappointment. I've gotta admit, I'm hyped for this game though.
I think I'll play on hard difficulty so that I'm forced to use the tactical cam more. I love setting up combos & sending a rogue to backstab while a tank draws agro & mages attack & buff from the rear. DA: Origins was great for that & I'm hoping that I can get a tough but fair battle experience from Inquisition as well.
Once again, character models in game are nowhere near as detailed as in trailers or cutscenes. Blizzard's art styles don't really impress me.
This game would have been better as a third person shooter I think. hat's the point in picking a character if you only get to see their hands? It's clear in this "gameplay" trailer that they wanted to focus on characters & often zoomed out to show them in third person. Too bad the dev team didn't have the same vision as the guys cutting the trailer.
@Unfallen_Satan Ask them to put it in Star Citizen, that's a $55 million game.
But seriously, that would actually be a cool system. Maybe if they really liked you, they'd pull out an extra awesome attack to save you from a death blow or something. Are you reading this Bioware?
bbq_R0ADK1LL's comments