@anotherone10 Yeah, I don't think it's time to throw away your PC just yet. Plus I seriously worry about cooling the hardware that's doing that in a mobile device.
There's definitely potential though, if you're into gaming on the go. Mobile performance is never going to catch up to PCs, but if you had the choice of playing Candy Crush or Borderlands 2, which would you choose?
@Sl4cka I wonder what kind of effect it has on slower paced games, such as (turn based) strategy.
I know one or two drinks don't generally hurt my gaming ability, but too much will almost certainly bring my ability down to where I give up & stop.
Kinect Sports is a whole different story though, I played that once while drinking with friends & alcohol can go a long way to make you forget your physical limits.
@rtehrani @raduz123 Just terrible design. Videos stream slower, chat sometimes won't log you in, front page design couldn't decide what it wants to be... pretty much an overall fail.
I started watching a Let's Play series of this & then bought it when it was released on Steam about a week ago. Really good game but definitely weird & not for everyone.
Looking forward to another Fallout, but I hope they use a better engine this time. Fallout 3 was clunky as hell & New Vegas was only a little better.
To be fair, I played those on PS3 & I've since switched to mainly PC gaming but I'm not about to buy them a second time for a slightly better experience.
What I'd really like to see is a better 3rd person implementation. The closer they can get to the first two games, the better.
Looking forward to this, but I've gotta say, I'm not really a fan of episodic content. I sat & played the entire season one in a day & I think that was the best way to do it.
Youtube videos are pretty much free publicity for games so I don't know why any publisher wouldn't want to allow them. Sure, some LPs for heavily story driven games mean some people won't actually play the game, but likely they don't represent true lost sales anyway.
I know I've been switched on to many indie games through a few youtubers who I subscribe to, but also big publisher games like Hearthstone which I would have had no interest in if TotalBiscuit hadn't kept doing vids & got me interested.
I have spent money because of free videos. Countless others have done the same. Why would you want to attack free commercials for your games?
bbq_R0ADK1LL's comments