@jonny_dutch I played on PC. There was a weird glitch in the first mission when I bought it at launch but other than that, it was mostly bug free as far as I remember. Excellent game, get the free hi res texture pack if you can run it.
@faschijp @bbq_R0ADK1LL ONE OF the reasons. I watched my friend play for a while & I was constantly distracted by how empty the world looked.
The gameplay might have been great but bad visuals distract from it, I think that's a fair comment to make.
Look at a game like The Witcher 2, it had difficult combat, an interesting story & a rich world that felt alive. That was a game that made me want to explore to see what was around the next corner. Plus the combat animations & character models looked a lot more interesting. That's a similar game, done much better.
@lbryson8 @bbq_R0ADK1LL Zelda 64 looked good for it's time. For 2014 Dark Souls 2 looks pretty dated.
Nostalgia is great, but I genuinley have problems going back & playing older games that don't look as good or play as smoothly as modern games. A cartoony art style may be timeless but a 3D art style attempting & failing at photo realism can look dated pretty quickly. This game already looks dated.
If exploration is such a big part of this game, why does it look so terrible? Looking at those graphics, I can hardly believe this is a new game in 2014.
The lacklustre visuals is one of the reasons I skipped Dark Souls. I was hoping the sequel would look better than this! There are plenty of games where graphical fidelity isn't such an important factor, but a game about exploration & interesting enemies should look good. Mechanics might be good, but I think this sort of game needs more than that. Seriously, those character models look PS2 era. Not trolling.
Disappointing. I was hoping the gameplay would have stood up.
I enjoy Southpark but haven't seen it in a while. I look for good gameplay, not just fan service. Still, I'll probably pick it up on a sale or something.
Loved games like FF7 & 8 but I have no patience for the grinding these days. A faster paced FF game holds appeal, but it looks like this won't be the game to drag me back to the franchise.
bbq_R0ADK1LL's comments