I'm a fair weather FIFA fan. I've picked a few titles over the years & played at friend's houses over the years too. I think the last one I owned was FIFA 11.
I like to play football but I've never really been into watching regularly & I have no idea who the best players are anymore.
Any advice from regular series fans? Is this worth picking up, or is it a good time to pick up FIFA 17 or 18? I'm kind of interested in the Journey mode & I usually enjoy Career mode, I like levelling up the players & building towards having a super OP team.
@yharnam: Because games give you the opportunity to see the world through the eyes of a different character. Why not seek out as many different view points as possible?
For Mass Effect, FemShep just had a better voice actor. For Tomb Raider or Bayonetta, why not? For RPGs, to see the way the world interacts with your character differently (providing the devs actually put in enough effort to make that happen). There are a bunch of reasons.
What about all the games where there's only an option to play as a male, how do all the female gamers feel?
This actually looks pretty good. Origins felt like it was lacking something but maybe a more in-depth decision making system is what the new direction for the series needs. I don't think it's a true "role play" game but it could make things a bit more interesting. Being able to turn off the markers could be a nice addition too, providing they actually have a good system for giving you information & letting you track it.
Unfortunately buying AAA games on launch seems to be a worse & worse deal these days. It's probably better to wait a few months for them to work out the bugs & smooth out the performance. I only just picked up Shadow of War, so that should keep me busy for a while.
The first RDR was jokingly called Grand Theft Horse but this time they're really doubling down.
I think the gaming industry is coming to a place where people are realising that it just doesn't make sense to go murdering your way across the map, calling yourself the good guy. Thus, we have more & more games where you are unequivocally the bad guy. I don't necessarily have a problem with that, but I think in a few years time, gamers are going to be hankering to be on the right side of the law again.
I guess it's embarrassing because 90% of their player base is 12 year old boys and they were stopped playing just to repeat that animation over & over again.
In seriousness, I don't get what's embarrassing about it though. I know the game's aimed at kids but are we really so scared of them seeing something that's close to the reality of actual physics?
I was never a massive Gwent fan to begin with but I played a bit during my first playthrough of W3. I tried the standalone Gwent during the beta (is it still in beta?) but I actually enjoyed it less. More complex mechanics are not what I wanted personally, but hopefully there are some burned out Hearthstone or Magic fans out there that are enjoying it.
I'll be watching for news about this game but if it's heavily built around Gwent, I might have to pass on it. For me, it might be the kind of game that's more enjoyable to watch someone else play.
Of course, like all episodic games, I don't consider it released until all the content is actually out. This is the kind of game that's great to burn through in a weekend, not to spend months forgetting what you did in the last chapter.
For some reason the standard edition of this game is the equivalent of US$80.
I moved from New Zealand to Colombia & I thought games might be cheaper here... nope!
I'm keen to try this series. I like to pick up the odd racing game now & then but this is way to pricey. Even the last one is still not cheap. I don't know what's up with Microsoft's regional pricing but I'm not earning enough to buy games at this price. It's a whole lot of pesos!
bbq_R0ADK1LL's comments