Nvidia trailers usually talk about the advanced ambient occlusion or examples of lighting technology. This trailer looked pretty weak. For a start, most people don't have a 4K HDR monitor (less than 1% even have 4K according to the Steam Survey, let alone HDR). It's not a bad looking game so I don't know why they didn't talk about the technology that more than a handful of people would actually get to see.
The human faces & character animations are already a joke so that guy talking about, "how far can we push the fidelity of the characters?" was ridiculous. That's one area where it looks like they've really let the rest of the game down.
I'm still hoping the game will be good but this trailer certainly doesn't encourage that hope.
@IJONOI: Yeah, I was really hoping more devs would implement VRAM stacking as well. So far DX12 has actually netted worse performance than DX11 in every game I've tested.
@Iamkalell: Yeah Ghost Recon has some crazy future GPU settings on Ultra. Even the 1080Ti just barely scrapes in with an average of 71.2fps & lows of 60.5 at 1080P Ultra. Turn down a couple of settings to Very High & it's fine.
I was able to get 60+fps at 1440P with two GTX970s & only a few settings turned down from Ultra in the Open Beta. The 1070 can do over 80fps on Very High. If a game has new technology that older or even current cards can't handle but has enough settings to tweak, then it's not a problem. I wouldn't worry too much about "maxed out" settings on games that are known to push the boundaries like this.
@spartanx169x: If screen tearing is your problem, then look into G-Sync monitors.
Sounds like you've got an older system so a new mobo & CPU is a good start but obviously the graphics card is the biggest thing for gaming. 16GB RAM is plenty, as long as it's still compatible with your new gear, then that will hold you for a while. Research G-Sync monitors though, it might solve your problem if you don't have the cash for a new GPU yet.
@IJONOI: I'm running 970s in SLI too. My framerates are still fine at 1440P but I'm finding that I'm butting up against the VRAM limitations more often in modern AAA games.
I love my ultra textures but I think I can hold out for the 1100 series. Hopefully Nvidia will come through with a kickass counter to Vega but my patience is definitely being tested.
@sirnate54: Not everyone buying a graphics card is a PC enthusiast.
There are plenty of better sources & PC enthusiasts likely know where to find them. This isn't a bad entry point for a dirty peasant trying to dust off their shabby robes & peruse the fancy attire of the master race.
@Iamkalell: The GTX1070 is probably a pretty good bet if you want 1080P60 at max settings for a few years to come. If you've only got a 60Hz panel, then you're throwing frames away meaning you're not getting the best value for your buck today but you'll likely still be hitting that target framerate in a couple of years which means you see that value in the medium term. Of course if you have a 144Hz panel, you can get the extra value out of your card now & G-Sync means even if you drop slightly below 60, it's a lot less noticeable.
If you can hold out then waiting for Vega is a good plan. Even if you don't go with AMD, Nvidia will surely drop prices on their current line. I can't guess when the 1100 series will come out but I'm sure Nvidia will counter whatever Vega brings to the table.
@mdinger: Yeah, I'll probably end up grabbing it through Greenman Gaming. The RRP is set by the publisher though, not the retailer. Plus later this year online retailers who do high volumes of sales to NZ (like Steam, Origin or Amazon) will have to start including GST in the price.
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