I don't think this will come to anything. Plenty of movies have been set on real countries with fictional leaders & drug cartels.
I spent a couple of nights in La Paz a few years back but unfortunately I didn't get to see most of the country. Playing the open beta reminded me how beautiful that part of the world is. I thin if anything, this game is advertisement for Bolivia rather than turning people away.
@Oogazi: Neither of those games had physics-based puzzles so that's not really a factor. Geralt would look pretty silly pushing blocks around to make water fill to a certain height, it's not quite the same genre. you'd be better off comparing it to the recent Tomb Raider or Uncharted games for that kind of puzzle solving & they both have graphics far ahead of what Zelda is trying to do.
I'm not saying it's a bad game, it just doesn't push the boundaries like Witcher 3 did & still managed to excel in almost every thing it did. It's probably a fun game, just not as amazing if you didn't spend your childhood playing less advanced versions of the same thing. If you're comparing it to modern games instead of every other Zelda game, then it doesn't look like a 9 or a 10 from anything I've seen.
Call me cynical but I wonder if this game would be a 10 if you didn't have your Nintendo Nostalgia goggles on.
Judging from this review & the conversation Peter & others had on The Lobby yesterday, they seem to be giving the game credit for a lot of things that are fairly standard in modern games. You can accidentally catch fire to yourself - Far Cry 3 did that well, I'm sure it wasn't the first game. Enemies can pick up your weapons - I'm pretty sure that's been happening since arcade days. You can get hit by lightning if you have a metal sword - um OK but how does that make the game more fun? Having a bunch of rules & not telling you maybe boundless discovery for some but frustrating or obvious for others.
Essentially it seems like the game is getting credit for just not being as simple & sh*tty as it looks. (Yeah I hate that art style, I need more contrast.)
I know 10 is just a number but there's no way this stands next to The Witcher 3 if you want to compare open world RPGs. Maybe I'm wrong but I just think Nintendo games don't stand up if you didn't grow up getting brainwashed by them.
Probably because it's just so perfect they don't need to test it.
I don't really care about multiplayer too much but I really hope the main game is in a polished state for release. I'm really looking forward to seeing reviews & an in-depth PC port report.
bbq_R0ADK1LL's comments