@consolehaven: Yeah, looks like it's more like Inquisition with a button assigned to each ability (but without Dragon Age's tactical view). You can't control your team anymore either, except to give them an order to move to a certain spot.
Personally I kind of like being able to pause & form a strategy like setting up a play in American Football. Hopefully this faster paced combat still allows for some strategies, not just run'n'gun with a few behaviours set in a menu somewhere.
Yeah, the game is coming out in less than a month & the just added her.
The headline & even the article is worded entirely wrong. They have announced that she is in the game. They have released a video showing that she is in the game. They have not just added her.
Somebody has to call them out on this lazy journalism.
@Thanatos2k: Does anyone remember the Wii-U day 1 update that took up about 60% of the HDD if you bought the smaller option? My flatmate pre-ordered one it & had to spend hours waiting for the download before he could play a single game.
It's always difficult to tackle faith in media. Mostly because the kind of conflict audiences have come to expect involves characters who who either kill or screw everything that moves. (Seriously, look at Ross from Friends or Ted from How I Met Your Mother, even the 'nerdy nice guys' have far more sexual partners than any real world averages.
It's hard to have characters explore faith in a real way. How many times have we seen the extreme version where some parent won't let their child be treated in a hospital because of their religion? How many times have we seen the 'goody two shoes' Ned Flanders type or the guy who judges every one else because he's secretly gay? Writers would rather tell these extreme stories than have characters wrestle with problems in a realistic way.
Bioware's strength is in their characters. It's not gold all the time but they do a lot better than most media at actually exploring some interesting multi-faceted characters. I'm hoping they can bring some nuance & tell an interesting story arc with Suvi.
@gamedelay: I recently finished a second playthrough of Inquisition as well. I haven't played the DLC yet though, it's ridiculous that the whole game GOTY edition is cheaper than buying just a couple of the main story DLCs.
I'm pretty sure in New Zealand they will just include tax in the prices & I doubt we'll see a price increase.
If a game costs $99.99 on Steam & is the same price at say, JB Hifi or Mighty Ape, the NZ based stores have already been including GST while Valve have just been creaming it with extra profit all this time.
@Abomination713: Some games are great with a custom character but story often suffers. It's good to have games like this too where the character has an arc & NPCs respond to you in a certain way rather than generic interactions.
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