@SexyMiralda: I was initially intrigued by the single player mode but it looks like it's primarily a multiplayer game & single player is basically a tutorial.
I prefer games with a tighter narrative, personally. "Environmental storytelling" often means "some text a freelancer wrote & we threw in at the last minute".
I imagine some DA: Inquisition style mini-open world segments but maybe there will be some more corridor shooter style levels as well.
"Sandbox" means filler content these days & I'm glad it's going to be a more focused game. There are plenty of time wasting open worlds if that's what you want. Bioware's strength has always been in character driven storytelling so it's probably best they're not trying to make a GTA-Far Cry-Assassin's Creed mishmash full of collectibles & fetch quests.
Wow, that's dumb. Why would he think that's a joke?
Perhaps he's trying to sabotage himself so he has an excuse to quit this business he's clearly sick of. Pewdiepie is a character that Felix plays & anyone can get sick of playing the same character after a while.
It's a pretty minor upgrade. It's good that it makes some games more stable, a solid 30fps is a whole lot better than stuttering in & out but I'd really like to see 60fps for any action oriented game.
I'm definitely glad I switched back to PC gaming a few years back. There are a handful of games exclusive to PS4 I'd like to play but high framerates & G-Sync make for a categorically better experience for most games.
@louixiii: Yeah, pretending to be another race. That's what I said.
Casting a white person in a black character's role & having them go full Robert Downey Jr (as satirised in Tropical Thunder) to play them would be blackface. There isn't really a word for pretending to be Japanese so I was generalising. Yellowface maybe, but it's not so well a recognised term.
To be fair, whitewashing a colloquial term & there isn't a real definition for this use, though it has plenty of other definitions. Either way, dismissing allegations of whitewashing because they "never imagined" casting a Japanese actress in what was traditionally a Japanese role is completely sidestepping the point.
@doctor_mg: You sure? It looks like Batou is being played by a Danish guy.
Of the top 5 actors on the IMDB page, two are American, one is Candian, one French & one Danish. All pretty white looking. There are definitely some Asian looking names further down the list but the point is that Hollywood execs are scared or non-white leads, not diversity completely.
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