[QUOTE="lllTheorylll"][QUOTE="ProtossRushX"][QUOTE="lllTheorylll"] last time i checked nintendo was ahead in the console war.... and the PS3 has completely flopped.
when a system completely flops, its easier to focus the negativity on it, instead of one that is flourishing like nintendo.
dont crack on the wii because its innovative and new, that **** hurts the industry
a plastic wireless laser compuer mouse is more innovative then the wii the only reason its sellin cuz of bogus lies that nintendo said at e3
all that gamers hve learned from this is that u make a new cvontroller u say it can do all thise stuff u promise a nerw virtual reality, u dont even have to deliver on the promise just claim an it will sell through the roof cuz it will put gamers in shock an they will so in shock that they hav to buy an see it just make it a cheap price liek 250 so its even hardeer to say no at launch
nintendo didnt innovat they killed innovation an now will prolly see xbox 3 an ps4 250 dollar plastic toys with new controls an bad gfrfx an real gamers will be in terror an fear as of this
im afraid something might have been lost in the translation here but i got the part about the wii "not innovating but killing innovation".
millions of people disagree with you. im an avid 360 gamer but even i would drop my controller if my buddies brought one of their wiis over. the definition of innovation "something new or different introduced."
honestly, sometimes the controllers we love just have to be set aside for this INNOVATIVE system and playing method.
If we didnt have systems like the wii, gaming would become photo-realistic and have the best sounds, but the gameplay would start to lack.
i have been gamin since atari an ive seen some weird controllers like keyboard types an double balls with wheels on it for certain games on that system
and MOUSE/keyboard gaming = infinitely superior to the wii control
its more precise its everythin u want in a FPS its so easy to move an see an it actual becomes almost real
playin a FPS with analog or wii mote is down right terribel compared toa MOUSE/keyboard an so are many other games if the wii mote brought lots to gamin as u claim
have u ever played a single game on a PC with a mouse an keyboard b4?
Ok I call BS, there is no way you have been playing since the Atari days. I grew up during the Atari days and I'm 33 years old. After reading your past and present post and seeing how horrible the grammer and spelling in them is not to mention how ate up some of the stuff you post has been I wouldn't put you much over 11 and that's pushing it. Now I could be wrong and that would be that much scarier seeing they let you roam freely out in public.
Also.... Of course a KB and mouse is more accurate than a Wiimote or game pad at shooters, but being I play all 3 ways I can tell you second choice to a KB and mouse I would take a Wiimote any-day over a game pad for shooters if the game designers utilize it correctly in their games.
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