[QUOTE="bf2nutta"]what a load... ShovelWare has been shoved into PC gaming for the better part of all my PC gaming life(almost 18years) There was shovelware on the PS1/PS2 and alot of it...
You buy games, you haven't heard of?? don't you do a bit of resarch b4 going to a game store and buying a title?
The Wii last gen?? mayb in terms of hardware, but as far age it aint........
How long you been gaming?
i never said nintendo started the shovelware revolution, yes its been around the 25 years i been gaming
i would compulse buy games on the 64 and gamecube hoping it would be a hidden gem yes and i still do this with my 360
the wii is last gen in hardware, thats what really counts
i been gaming since 1982 ive had every console in the history of consoles (except neo geo turbo graphix and neo geo pocket) but i have yet to buy a ps3 (its next on my list)
and i pc gamed alot in the 90s but lost interest in it
shovelware has been around since gaming started, but systems now a days seem to thrive more off of shovelware sells than they ever did when i was growing up. yes the regular nintendo had shovelware titles but they werent as rampant (90 percent of 64 and gamecubes titles were shovelware, no one can argue this, and this was because nintendo was more worried about first party titles than 3rd)
One question.... How have you been gaming since 1982 if your only 25? The math isn't working out there. ;)
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