Atari 2600
bcrich959's forum posts
I'm in the game about 25 hours and have run into a few bugs such as randomlyfloating up in the air and getting stuck or loss of sound in some cut scenes. It has never crashed, but I had to restart everytime I'd float off and get stuck. Even with these few bugs though I enjoy ME2 over ME1. I've been very happy with ME2. As far as the PS3 getting it, I guess that would be great for more people to be able to play another great game added to this generation of games.
[QUOTE="Stevo_the_gamer"]The PS3 Slim isn't silent, and it's a far cry of the nice design of the fat PS3 -- especially in regards to cooling to which the Slim runs hotter than even my Xbox 360. Also, best try to separate your thoughts into paragraphs so it's easier to read for the rest of us. I hate walls of text, hence why I didn't even read all of your post.mD-My PS3 slim runs silent... what are you talking about, lol...?
A agree my PS3 slim is very quiet. Of course I didn't have the fat to compair it to, but I don't notice it on when I'm gaming or watching movies. The heat on the other hand I do notice. It exhaust's way more heat out the back than my Jasper 360. I was kind of worried at first about this until I seen a PS3 that was taken appart and the way the fan set up is. I have no doubt after seeing the fan set up that the slim will have little to any heat problems.
God Of War 3
Mass Effect 2
Super Mario Galaxy 2
If Diablo 3 just happened to come out then all the others could fall off my list because if it was anything like Diablo 2 I wouldn't have time in my life for anything else. LOL
[QUOTE="brandontwb"]]NONE. As I said 6 frames per minute is pretty much a slideshow, and a game couldn't run on that. Someone just said that it ran at 6 frames per minute, I don't know why.psn8214
Six frames per minute is a lot worse than a slideshow...
*Word* Dead people move faster than 6 frames per minute. LMAO
IMHO tough choice for me, it would be between Dues Ex and Diablo 2 if I had to pick.
Meh if i had the choice between a gaming rig,360 and a BC Rich i would pick the BC rich wait thats what i already did xD.Most of the games i want are on the PS3 and as said you dont need to own a gaming rig to play the likes of L4D2 which is more likely a much better rounded valve experience on the PC.Same with Bioware stuff.
As said PC's still the better of the bunch even tho it is brought down with a multitude of things like driver problems,games specs varying etc.
Seriously, a B.C. Rich? Gibson FTW!!!
OT, agreed with Valve games being better suited for the PC.
Gibsons are sweet, but very pricey. I have a USA NJ series Warlock that was about $900.00. It sounds awesome and was several thousand less then some of the Les Pauls I was looking at. It also depends on the type of music you play on which guitar you select. I have the Warlcok, and Ibanez RG series and my best guitar would be my Jackson USA KV2. I do a lot of lead and solo playing. I love throwing in scales when I play. I have found that the style andtype of music I play is much easier on these type of guitars for me than when I've tried playing on Strats and Les Pauls. The necks seem much quicker on the guitars I have. I do love the sound of a fender and a Less Paul also. Each guitar has it's place in the type and style of music you play IMO.
Raises hand also... There's really no comparrison. It's pretty well pointless considering PC's and consoles specs are so far appart in terms of technology. I could see doing a graphics comparision between the two if they were all running near similar hardware, but with the gap they have it's pointless.
Yeah, but the big question is, would Crysis look as good as Uncharted 2 being played on a rig with the same specs as the PS3? That would be interesting to see them both on even speced systems. I would say Uncharted 2 would look and perform better considering it is optimised for a lower powered system where Crysis at the time stressed even the best most expensive PC's. There is no question that Crysis technically looks better, but it's also wasn't designed to be played on a system with PS3 specs. This to me is pretty much an apples and oranges argument since the system specs are so far appart btween the two games.
TC just ask Sega how much "sales didn't" matter with the Dreamcast. ;)
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