[QUOTE="-Renegade"] [QUOTE="johnnyblazed88"]what id like to know is how would you take a song out of game that was already packaged and ready to be sold? do they gotta open every freakin game take out the disc and do what ever to it, what ever they have to do i know its gonna be pain in the arse and wallet for sonyjohnnyblazed88
Destroy the disc and make new ones is what I am guessing or maybe add an update to it?
As soon as Sony announced the recall my local store took the advertisements down so I doubt they will be selling it today I haven't checked yet though.
thats what i was thinking but it seemed like it would cost so much, every game they destroy is 60$ :o
sony really f'ed themselves
They are nowhere near 60 bucks. That's retail price, it doesn't cost that to make and package them. They will lose money, but not 60 bucks a pop and if the game sells well they will recoop the loss.
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