@wanderz: My assumption is based on what the competition is doing AKA MS. Free BC is good for gamers. Of course, Sony doesn't have to do it, but it makes good business sense. It encourages people who only buy a single console -probably the majority, to remain loyal to that particular brand. Just my opinion.
PS5, will almost certainly have BC with PS4. Unless they decide to go intel rather than AMD, which isn't very likely. And Of course, PS5, will have games that won't run on PS4! Doh.
For those of you who sit squarely in the 'I haven't done anything wrong, so why worry about the amount of cameras watching me,'camp. May I suggest that this is probably the most important issue I've read on gamespot so far, along with net neutrality. Neither, should be dismissed as unimportant. Oh, and just for anyone who is interested. Just logging on to this site attracts over twenty 'tracking' companies, monitoring your activities for marketing purposes and got knows what else! If you would like to see this for yourself, trying using Epic browser, for Windows, or install Privacy badger from the EFF, which works in almost any browser (can use on Linux OS). I'm not going to preach, on the dangers of data collection, but I do recommend you actually research before you comment. The biggest problem, as I see it, is the people who really understand how all this works are not on the side of the people. There simply isn't enough smart people working on our behalf, to redress the balance and protect are rights to privacy. Some have commented that elements of our personal data is readily available. Well, yes. But that isn't the kind of data that's of any real value. Besides, it not data, it's how it's used, that becomes dangerous. I urge people to research and understand the implications involved with this industry. It is most definitely not, benign. Anyway, that's just my opinion, other opinions do exist.
'Sexualized' women in video games! Surely,not! Let's be honest here. 95% of women represented in video games are, let us say, abnormally elaborated. So too, with many men. Though, I do believe devs have a social responsibility on the kind of images they portray, and how those images may be perceived by gamers.
Here's something to consider. Most of my working life I have worked for companies who chose to pay based on ability, not job description! We all of us know, that just because someone does the same job, or seemingly so, does not by definition mean they deserve equal pay. Some individuals are extremely good at what they do,and by definition are worth more to the company. Others, not so much. I have never had issues with women earning equal or more pay, so long as it's based on ability and not purely on gender or even job description. Admittedly, my experience may not be the 'norm' , but I do think my point is valid. Companies, generally, respect and reward excellence, at least that's my experience. So, from my perspective, pay should have nothing to do with gender, only ability. I envisage as a result of this outcry, some companies my recruit less women, because the real issue won't get addressed. Which is, pay equally for ability, regardless of gender.
@proxima1025: I experienced a very similar scenario,some years ago. I had more experience, more qualifications and, I had loyalty bonuses added to my pay grade that gave me a considerably higher pay. However, it was the company that decided to deskill my position, because they thought they could pay less, that way. Ironic, really. Well, they got what they wanted. I moved on to greater things and the company had to close my department, because of complaints due to less qualified people. BTW, the person who claimed equal pay was a man. Pay is not about gender, it's about ability.
@gamersince78: You do realize calling someone a moron generally doesn't work. Mainly, because, if they are actually morons they're not going to understand your comment anyways. :)
BenderBrain's comments