Well technically that's not LAN anymore but whatever...but I get what you are saying, however the problem is that this game will come to PC as well...and you've obviously played Diablo 2 judging from your posts, and there were periods when even battlenet's closed areas were full with cheaters and bots...
I can see no problem with playing online, because it kills many birds with one stone...and you're DRM argument is not good enough, because we don't know if the game will have difficulties because of it...
But I'm out of this discussion, because you are obviously too quick to judge a product that hasn't even been released yet...in this you are the opposite extreme of people jumping to every shit on day 1 with massive pre-orders without having a clue as to what they will get....both extremes are wrong IMO
We know the answer? So you know that Titanfall's servers won't work? Did you play the game? Have you seen how developers support the game over a larger period of time?...dude...I don't think you read my post at all...technology evolves, if D3 and Simcity failed, that doesn't mean that other games will fail...
Also...even if you think that a company should let the players be in control, that doesn't mean that the always online DRM is the main focus and that it's bad...
Here's the thing with DRM...DRM is bad when it hinders the player to play the game...and most DRM that were implemented in games were awful...
But if we take the devs word, then their always online DRM will actually make things easier for them and the player as well...but we will have to WAIT to see if the devs words are true...
benelori's comments