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bewarethehorns Blog

The Bad: Part IV

I am fully aware that this is a complete waste of space on GameSpot's servers, but after the day I just had this was the final "screw you" I could have done with out:

What makes every employee at every Taco Bell I've ever been to think that one packet of sauce is all you need for each item?

The Bad: Part III

I saw Cloverfield Saturday.

***Slight Spoiler Alert***

What a miserable hunk of crap that was.

I get the whole: "what you don't know is supposed to be scary" but the trouble is: monster movies are not new, neither are horror movies. If the movie invented the monster genre it would work, but I think moviegoers expect more.

This movie followed the same recipe as all the other horror flicks but it didn't offer anything: it lacked a full story, it lacked depth -- very simply, it wasn't satisfying in any way. And the worst part of it is that you are pretty much told the fate of the main characters in the first few seconds so I never even began to care about them.

Honestly, I didn't expect much, but at the same time I didn't think I'd would have been better off throwing the $9 away.

Rig Update

  • AMD 64 X2 6400+ 3.21GHz (Performance Rated @ 9.60 GHz)
  • 4GB Corsair XMS2 DDR2 800
  • 250GB & 750GB Western Digital HDDs
  • Vista Ultimate 64-bit
  • 2x Sapphire X1600XT 256MB

The only thing I really want to do now is upgrade the video cards, but as things stand right now, that's really out of my budget. maybe later this year.

Best & Worst of 2007

My picks...

The Worst of 2007

12) Al Gore wins not only an Oscar for needlessly scaring the crap of out nearly everyone, but he wins a Noel Peace Prize too. Meanwhile Krustophenia sits on the shelves!

11) All those useless and irritating Facebook Apps. I don't want to be poked, hugged, or probed, nor do I care how cute others think I am.

10) HDDVD / Blu-ray Format War. Please! My TV is depressed it's not living up to its potential

9) Tila Tequila gets her own TV show. No wonder the so much of the world hates the US.

8 )The RIAA still has not learned to leave people alone. Sue another 15 year old, that'll win us over.

7) Goodbye Sony SXRD projection TVs. :cry:

6) Jessica Alba gets pregnant. Nuff said.

5) Downloadable Content. What a great idea. Why would anyone havea problem paying for something that should have been included in the game in the first place?

4) Jessica Alba gets engaged. This is a sad day for men everywhere.

(yeah, so maybe I like excuses to post her pictures)

3) Iphone. Hear me out: No 3G?!?

2) Awful and annoying Cable vs Satellite commercials. I don't know why this bothers me so much, butmy intelligencefeels insulted that spokespersons are talking like they are letting you in on some big secret.

1) GTA IV delayed. And I already feel like I'm owed something after San Andreas...

The Best of 2007

17) Asus Eee PC. Finally, an affordable and versatile laptop!

16) 1T Hard Disk Drives. Sure, that's only 931.5GB formatted, but still...

15) OLED TVs. With a 1,000,000:1 contrast ratio. And at a whole 11-inches large it's a veryaffordable $1743 :P . Remember a million to one!

14) South Park: The Guitar Hero Episode. Ah, satire.

13) Google Maps for Mobile.

12) Panasonic's DMP-BD30. Finally, a Profile 1.1 Blu-ray player. Remind me again, why did anyone bother with 1.0?

11) The Simpsons Movie. Best episode ever.

10) Halo 3. What exactly kept this game from a 10.0? Yeah, I don't know either.

9) HDMI equipped 360s. What was the point of offering 1080p if you could only get it through a VGA port?

8 ) The Orange Box. 5-games for the price of one. Oh, and Portal! Suck it traditional first person shooters.

7) Olivia Munn. She's not exactly new news, but well, yeah... ;)

6) Solid State Drives. Again, nothing new, but they are large and affordable in '07.

5) 40GB PS3 for $399.99. Lacks backward compatibility, but...$400!!!

4) South Park: WOW Episode. Ok, that's just a guilty pleasure for me.

3) Drobo. Just: Drobo.

2) Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. Most common gripe: short camaign -- but it's so good. Oh, and multiplayer!

1) TiVo HD. Finally, an affordable High-Definition TiVo. Who cares about the Series 3's THX certification anyway?

bits & bytes

The quickets I've ever clocked my internet connection is 23Mb/s downstream with 2.6Mb/s upstream. To most people, that sounds pretty impressive. Just as most people are wowed with SATA and it's 3Gb/s capabilities or 10/100/1000 networking with 1Gb/s. I remember when USB 2.0 came out, customers were very excited for it's 480Mb/s capacity.

But what do those numbers really mean? I mean, I don't know a single person who measures anything in bits. And the common consumer just sees a big number and most of them I'd wager don't realize there is a large difference between Mb/s and MB/s.

For example:

  • My internet connection:
    • 23Mb/s downstream = 2.9MB/s
    • 2.6Mb/s upstream = 0.33MB/s
  • SATA 3.0Gb/s = 384MB/s
  • Gigabit networking 1Gb/s = 128MB/s
  • USB 2.0 480Mb/s = 60MB/s

Sure seams to take the luster outta things, doesn't it? Especially with my internet connection.

People see a big problem with advertised hard drive capacity versus formatted capacity, they see that as misleading because it is pretty obvious. But why no outrage for bits over bytes? Sure, there's nothing missing, no one's being shorted anything, but it's obviously misleading to those with little or no technical knowledge of how this system of measurement works. Especially today when the the name of the game is to get yourhard earned dollars for internet services. Everyone is advertising speed because afterall faster is better. In my area Comcast is very big and from the people I've met who praise their High Speed Internet Service, they genuinely believe that the advertised 8Mb/s translates into downloading a 8MB file in one-second.

Honestly, there is a part of me that thinks these people are deserving of what their ignorance gives them. If you don't know the difference between bit and byte perhaps you deserve to be mislead.

Goodbye Sony Microprojection TVs

According to TWICE.comSony is going to discontinue all of its Rear Projection TVs in favor of their LCD lineup.

I sold TVs for 7-years and I've seen the decline of the Rear Projection TV first hand, but while it makes sense for Sony to give favor to a technology that everyone wants, I think it's somewhat foolish to stop selling TVs that are in a decent price range for most everyone.

When I was selling TVs, a 50-inch set was a pretty common sale. Sony was also the most prefered set: you can get a 50-inch 1080p set for about $1800. Now, imagine these sets are gone. You want a 50-inch set and you perfer Sony -- how happy are you going to be to find that your only choice now is their 52-inch 1080p LCDset that runs $3000...a 67% price jump.

I can see Sony dumping their 37- & 46-inch rear projection sets because the price of comparable LCD sets are negligible, but why alienate all the cost conscious consumers by cutting everything?

Also, I was disappointed to see that Sony had removed their VPL-VW50 1080p front projector from their online store which was their cheapest 1080p projector at $3500. I suppose all the reviews calling the VW50 as good at the $5000 VW60 may have been cutting into the VW60 sales.

All I can hope for now are massive price cuts.

Expected Outage

My home server fried another hard drive today and since I'm averaging a new drive every 9-months I am turning to a third party to host my site (which also hosts all the images here on my user page). I just can't stand replacing drives this often, even though I do keep everything backed up, it's just thatI'm sick of having to buy new drives once or twice a year.

So, as a heads up, during this process it's likely that the pictures in my blog (even my banner and icons) may not show up. I'll post a update to this when the transfer is complete.


Looks like there's a cooling period of sorts about moving my domain so the outage probably won't occur until the 23rd or 24th.

RROD Update

What kills me about my experience with Microsoft is that when I went to the 360's site and went to the Repair Agent and typed in my serial number it came back that my console was Out of Warranty. Plain, simple, black and white: Out of Warranty. I knew that there was an exception for the red ring of death, so I poked around the 360's Support site where I found the Three red lights flash on the Ring of Lightpage. The page says that a change was made to the warranty and to refer to the Peter Moore letter, but the link redirects right back to the Support homepage -- not to any letter. Further down the RROD page it then tells you to go to the Console Repair page and to do everything that I already did which ended up telling me that I was Out of Warranty.

But along comes SlikNik27 who tells me that the problem is covered for 3-years (Thank you, thank you, thank you). I call up Microsoft and sure enough they are going to take care of the problem for free. And for the what it's worth I did go back through the Support site and there are two links regarding a "Warranty Enhancement" which are both there because of the RROD, but I still feel kind of slighted here. I go to the site looking for help with the flashing red lights, I find that topic, the topic tells me to refer to a letter (which, again, is a broken link), and then to seak a warranty repair through a online form which tells me I'm out of luck.

It feels like Microsoft is trying to get away with something here. I guess I'd feel a lot better if that "Warranty Enhancement Announcement" had a reference to the RROD in the title.