HELLLLLOOOOOOOOOO PS4. Microsoft, you my friend, have lost a console sale, game sales, and a fanboy. And im sure I speak for more than just myself. Next Gears of War, and Halo are gonna have to make my jaw drop to the floor and puke rainbows, before I buy a console that requires a constant internet connection.
Ive played Diablo 3, Ive heard about Simcity, and Ive played MANY MMO's, so trust me, I know what im talking about when I say online only SUCKS BALLS. ANY game that is online only takes AT MINIMUM of 2 months before anything is 100% playable. And during that time, maintenance is performed so often, you cant play the game anyways for the admins knocking you off for a quick hot fix. And any time large content patches come out for these games, its a minimum of a week before anything is 100% playable. So does this mean the next xbox is going to take 2 months before we can play SINGLE PLAYER GAMES properly? Or even turn it on for that matter? Seriously think about it, Its not just having a constant internet connection. Microsoft has to keep their servers up and everything in order for the console to even turn on if these rumors are true. Not once in my time of playing games, have I seen anyone have servers large enough on launch day to not have crashes, or months of problems. Sure they all work out in the end usually, but if I buy a console, I want to play my single player games right then and now, not when Microsoft decides their server can power on my console. Another thing is lag. If your online and dont have a good connection lag is ALWAYS an issue. So does this mean that our single player games could possibly have lag in them?
I think ill be able to adapt to the new ps4 controller just fine. This just shows Microsoft has gotten too greedy for their own good. And next gen console sales are going to show it. PS4 will be the lead development for all future games, we can count on that.
If the rumors come to be true, yes microsoft will make alot of money off console sales. But they wont make anything from game sells, because once people realize they cant play their games if the internet goes off for a second, or they buy a used game and turns out their console decides its retarded and cant play it, then Sony will win. Not looking good for xbox 720. and im a xbox fanboy
Don't get me wrong, I can't wait for Battlefield 4, but for the love of Bad Company, give us Bad Company 3 THIS YEAR, on current gen consoles, and let Battlefield 4 come out early next year, to highlight the next gen consoles. PLZ?
So basically what Nintendo is saying is they didn't want Crysis 3 on their console? Im sorry, but Nintendo will never be a hardcore gaming platform. Im sorry, but Nintendo is never going to develop good first party games that are for the hardcore gamers. The Wii U definitely has the potential, but it will never happen. Crysis 3 might not have sold good on the Wii U, but its games like this that need to be released on the system, to prove that it is indeed a hardcore platform. Borderlands, Crysis, Battlefield, Skyrim, Dead Space, these are the type games that need to be released for Wii U. They might not sell good at first, but I guarantee you that if these games start coming out on Wii U, sells of the console would pick up, and more 3rd parties will start developing and releasing games on the system. You just have to find that one company willing to risk a hardcore game on Nintendo's system. But, given the right company and the right game to release on Wii U, it would help the system out tremendously.
I guess you could say I'm an xbox 360 fan boy. I do own a ps3, but I only buy ps3 exclusives on it. Every other game is strictly xbox. Now, 3 things I want, with one being a deciding factor if I get the next xbox or ps4.
1. Let our gamertag and achievements carry over. This is not a deciding factor for me, but it would be nice if Microsoft lets us carry over our gamertag with our friends and achievements. Theres likely no reason they cant do this, the question is if they will. I would love to take my current gamerscore, and just be able to keep adding to it with next gen titles.
2. Play used games. This is a big factor for everyone. I usually buy my games new, but thats not to say that I havent purchased a few used games as well. This isnt a deciding factor either, but for ALOT of people, and a few I personally know, this will be. ps4 allows used games, so theres no reason you shouldnt be able to play them on the next xbox.
3. DO NOT REQUIRE A CONSTANT INTERNET CONNECTION TO PLAY GAMES! This. This is the deciding factor for me. If the next xbox requires a constant internet connection, as much as I hate to, I'm going with the ps4. I know I would prefer the next xbox over the ps4, but a constant internet connection is a huge NO. Retards tend to steal copper wire from my internet company, so sometimes I'm down weeks on end with no internet. Which means if the next requires a constant internet connection, I would be without a game console.
All in all, I will have both a ps4 and the next xbox at some point in time. But the constant internet connection is the deciding factor for me.
This is good to hear, as many people I know will only buy used games, because they don't support the $60 price tag. The ps4 is looking good.
Needless to say, I hope Microsoft can top it. Ive had xbox 360 for around 5 years and ps3 for around 3. I buy all my games on xbox 360, and only use my ps3 for the exclusives. Why? For one all of my friends are on xbox 360. Thats the main reason. The other reason, is is prefer the xbox controller over the ps3. But thats not to say that I couldn't adapt to using the ps3/ps4 controller.
For me the deciding factor for which console I get will be if the xbox will require a constant internet connection, and if it will allow used games. My internet goes out quite a bit due to retards stealing copper wire. So if the next xbox requires a constant internet connection I will most likely be investing in a ps4. Otherwise xbox it is for me.
Im not worried about graphics, because it will always turn out that eventually, both consoles will perform equally the same. Just look at the 360 and ps3. 360 games looked 100 times better than ps3 games when the ps3 launched. Now they look identical, and I believe that will be the case for next generation as well. As for next gen graphics, I believe if you take the best looking cut scene in a video game today, that is next gen graphics. The reason we cant have these graphics on current gen consoles, is because neither console is powerful enough to actually allow you to actually play the game with these graphics. They are only powerful enough to show them as a cut scene.
Over all I know I will end up with both ps4 and next xbox at some point. But I cant decide which I will have first until Microsoft unveils the next xbox.
@SsangyongKYRON So true. Honestly whats more believable, a violent scene in CGI/animated video game, or a violent scene on the big screen, acted out by real people. Now dont think im saying go blame movies now, because im not. im just stating facts. I do believe violent scenes in movies are more believable. But i dont think movies or video games relate to violence in any way.
@rkzhao Simple, its because movies and television are more socially acceptable than video games. People like this think that the whole world watches movies and tv, but only a select few play video games.
Same way with music, if a man kills and listens to country, hip hop, rap, etc, everyone is ok and says he just had mental problems because that type of music is accepted by most people. But if the man listens to hard rock, or heavy metal, that is automatically seen as the reason behind the killing, because rock and metal are listend to by select people, and are not socially accepted by the world, like country and alternative music is.
Look at the band Slipknot. Do you know how many times people have tried to sue them, disassemble their band, and ruin then, because someone that killed a man just so happened to like this band? Its a sad world were living in.
Why cant we just get help for the people thats psychology disable, which in most cases, we already do, instead of blaming their problems on a video game. Most violent people dont even play video games. Connecticut sadly cant accept the fact that this man was psychologically disable, so they have to blame video games for what this man done. It was just a sheer coincidence that the man that shot up the Elementary School happened to like Mass Effect on his facebook profile. In case no one knows, the man that shot up the elementary school had Mass Effect liked on his facebook page. If these people trying to blame video games for what this guy did would just look at Mass Effect for a second. In Mass Effect, your trying to SAVE the world, and SAVE people, not kill them. And as I recall, I dont believe you go anywhere close to a school in Mass Effect. In fact, children dont even show up in Mass Effect until the 3rd one, and even at that, that child is just in Shepards imagination, and every time Shepard sees him, he BREAKS HIS NECK to try and SAVE this child. If the people in Connecticut would just look into this game for 2 min. they will clearly see this game relates in no way whatsoever to what happened at that school. PEOPLE AGAINST VIDEO GAMES, LOOK INTO THE HISTORY OF THE VIOLENT MAN/WOMAN. LOOK INTO THEIR LIFE, FRIENDS, FAMILY, CRIMINAL RECORDS, DRUG USE, ALCOHOL ABUSE, MEDICAL RECORDS, ETC. LOOK INTO ALL OF THIS BEFORE YOU GO BLAMING A VIDEO GAME, MOVE, MUSIC, OR ANYTHING ELSE LIKE THAT. CHANCES ARE, YOU WILL FIND THE VIOLENT PERSON HAD A ROUGH LIFE GROWING UP, RAN WITH A ROUGH CROWD, WAS ABUSED. ITS THINGS LIKE THIS THAT LEAD TO PSYCHOLOGICAL DISORDERS THAT CAUSE PEOPLE TO BE VIOLENT, NOT A VIDEO GAME. Sorry for caps, just wanted to get a point across.
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