It seems like i'm the only one who enjoyed Diablo 3 to some degree. Sure, it wasn't near as good as Diablo 2 was, but it was an overall fun game. I don't know of anyone who can say that they hated the game when they first played it. I loved it all the way till about act 2 on inferno. It was then that I realized, unless I start using the auction house (which I think should be took OUT) I wasn't going to progress anymore. Now, have I played it anymore since then? Well, no. But my point is, up until then I enjoyed every moment of it. It is a game that I think was well worth $60, and a game that I think everyone should experience. Now, I can see why so many people dislike Diablo 3. Simply because its not Diablo 2. Something the developers wanted was for Diablo 3 to be completely different from 2, but the majority of Diablo fans didn't want that. If they would have gave us a 99 level cap, and let us have talent points, like Diablo 2 did, then maby that alone, could save this dying game. Overall I loved the game, but I admit, after Inferno, it gests....repetitive.
please, take me somewhere far far away from this man. i voiced my opinion earlier on another topic, but im not doing it again. im not nothing big in this world, so my opinion means nothing other than for a few people to comment and like it on gamespot.
Want to know why people believe video games cause murder and violence in reality? I'll tell you why, and ill tell you the truth, and if you don't believe it, then the media has already gotten to you. The reason is simple. Its much more easier for the media to make people believe a video game influenced someone to kill, than to try and tell people that someone was so psychologically unstable, that it drove them to kill. Most people think, "Well if it was me, and I was that psychologically unstable, I would never do a thing like kill. How could the human mind make someone do this?" Question, how do they know this? They don't. If your mentally unstable, its untelling what you might do. Why don't we blame movies for violence instead of video games? This is also a simple question. Its because movies are more accepted in society than video games. Same way with music. Rap and country don't cause no problems, but oh no, he/she listens to heavy metal and hard rock? They must be a killer right? Nope sorry, your wrong. I know I'm just preaching to probably no one, but for the record, I've played video games since I was 4. My first video game was Doom, and Duke Nukem 3d. I was raised in a very loving home, with a great family. Do I feel the need to kill, or harm people because of these games? ABSOLUTELY NOT. Now those of you that are against violent games may be asking, but you've played them since you was 4, how have you not been to jail for something yet? Simple. I was taught the difference between video games, and reality, and I was taught from the get go, to never repeat what I do in a video game. I was taught to never harm people, for any reason. I was TAUGHT. That simple. Teach your children the difference between video games, and reality, teach them to not harm. Look at the people that do kill, steal and all this. Look at what kind of home they were raised in, look at their friends, relatives, etc. They say you follow in your parents footsteps, and I believe that. Come from a home full of pill heads? Chances are your gonna be one. If someone does kill, look at their parents. Chances are they were never taught the difference from right and wrong. The reason people are violent is simply because, they are either mentally unstable, or their parents didn't teach them the difference between right and wrong. You take your choice on this situation, I've already made mine.
Looks great, but I still cant grasp the fact Bioshock Infinite is in the air, and not underwater. Just dosent feel like Bioshock to me. But it does look good. I know the chair will obviously be sending you up, but from that opening the game it could have taken place under the ocean so easily. Hey, since this is set before the first 2 Bioshock's, maby the city your in (Columbia) will fall out of the sky at the end and Rapture was built around the ruins of Columbia? I dont know, just a thought. Needless to say, im stoked.
Maybe Ground Zeros is the prologue to MGSV and The Phantom Pain is the rest of the game, making both Ground Zeros and The Phantom Pain both Metal Gear Solid 5, kind of like how MGS2 had the tanker as the prologue, and then had the plant as the rest of the game? Just a thought. Imagine if they released a trailer for the tanker chapter in MGS2 and called it "Metal Gear Solid: Something", then they released a trailer for the plant chapter and called it "Something Else", but left MGS out of the title. Kind of the same concept as Ground Zeros, and The Phantom Pain IF they are both MGSV.
@Ezio_2009 I think Kojima said that Ground Zeros had nothing to do with Project Ogre, which means Project Ogre, is Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain.
bfmv2007's comments