It was a close call between getting gifts and enjoying the holiday spirit and decorating. But I chose the gifts because I'm selfish and happy about it.
XD I never do blue and I only ever do my toes. I usually go with a dark maroon color.Sunsha
Why just your toes?? It really is a hassle, any nail polishing. Smells bad, takes time to dry, then they have the nerve to chip like an hour later. Probably why I haven't bothered. But I'm feeling festive now. Why is maroon your usual color?
Sounds like fun except for cleaning. :P I bought a nice shirt earlier today but need to buy jeans that match with it. Just football all day for me tomorrow. ExoticAnimal
Okay do you find jeans hard to buy? For me they're hard to buy but I eventually find some. But for guys it seems nearly impossible to find a pair that everyone can agree on. They have to be not too loose and actually look nice (can be dressed up if needed), but for some reason I cannot find a pair like that for bf. Where do you get your jeans?
I'll try the jello and be the judge of that. lol Yea, just a few things. Mainly the one being part of my uncle helping me out with my problems. Was thankful for him helping me out but didn't need the whole family giving me a lecture. Not like I would have listened to any of them besides my uncle. ExoticAnimal
Damn straight you should, such a great keen for bacon now
Salmon I think (CIassy) tbh I wanted to have the left-over steak from last night in a nice toasted cheese sandwich yummmm, but the rents weren't having a bar of that
Steak on a sandwich sounds really good, that's a yummy idea I might have to steal sometime. Why didn't your parents want that?? Fancy salmon eaters.
omg, was he the one who made a plate of bacon for the two of you one time?
If so yes, you do deserve an award. =D
Um maybe... he has made bacon before, and only bacon, so probably. We just don't have it often. I only had one bite today though. :(
Sure thing... if I ever get moving. I'd better work on those for a bit.
Sour cream in jello? Eww... :P I'll have to get the recipe sometime and get my mom to make it. I love Spaetzle but I just eat it with a little bit of bacon bits. You can add other toppings to it. Eh, it was alright but would just rather have been here by myself. Just really wasn't in the best of mood to interact with family.ExoticAnimal
No really, it's good! Is anything wrong? Not that there has to be to want to be alone, sometimes you just don't want to put up with other people's crap.
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