Pepe the King Prawn.
Beaker takes a close 2nd.
Oh and Slimey, Oscar's pet worm.
binpink's forum posts
lol, too funny (no offense). Never heard of Masterpiece Mystery. Doing all right. Kinda tired after only sleeping 3 hours but couldn't fall back asleep. Didn't do much today. Just played some games on Steam, watched some sports/TV, and doing some schoolwork. What about you? Anything fun?ExoticAnimal
Why only 3 hours? That's barely a nap. You didn't have cIass or anything? I just had work for a while.
Ewww... Almost sounds like my aunt's house. Just had water on Thanksgiving day at her place. How goes the Mario game? ExoticAnimal
Good choice, I did that as well.
I played for quite a while but I'm done now. I swear it raises my blood pressure and turns me into a huge witch (not exclusive to Mario, any video game can make me mad). So for all our sakes I shut the blasted thing off and am now watching some Masterpiece Mystery.
How was your day, what did you do?
How can you drink diet coke? Tastes terrible.ExoticAnimal
Oh this reminds me. At my aunt's for Thanksgiving- ALL the drinks she had were diet. Diet sodas, diet snapple, diet iced tea... gross.
I was going to watch Shrek the halls but somehow forgot about it when flipping through the channels. I'll have to watch it some other time. How does a Mario game make you want to swear? :oExoticAnimal
It's hard, that's how! Or at least frustrating.
Exotic I love Christmas movies too. The Grinch and Shrek the Halls were on tonight and we watched them.
But now I'm playing Mario Galaxy 2 and getting all sweary,
No games that I really want. Still crazy over Harry Potter? :P What kind of HP items do you want?ExoticAnimal
Lots of replica items from the movies to add to my collection. Practical stuff really doesn't go on my list.
Well that's good. :o I'll probably go home but really don't want to though. Rather stay here with the fast internet and play games all day. :P My dad and mom asked me to make one but really couldn't come up with anything. I found some shirts/sweaters (Decree, Van Heusen, and IZOD) so just sent my mom an email to order those for me. Already got Dark Souls as a present earlier this year so I only have a few more gifts left from my mom but nothing from my dad except for some undershirts so far. How about you? What's your X-mas list so far?ExoticAnimal
Well clothes are good, practical and whatnot. It's kinda hard to ask for anything if you're used to just buying what you need on your own. Aren't there any games coming out soon that you'll want?
My Amazon wishlist is a mile long so my family should have no trouble getting me a few things. Mostly Harry Potter stuff.
Nah, I don't hate you. You're a good person. ExoticAnimal
I haven't killed anyone yet so that must count for something.
What are you thinking you'll do for Christmas- go home to see everyone? And do you make a Christmas list?
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