The Internet provides all the socialization I require. :PentropyechoSurely you like being with people occassionally. Do you have like 1 really weird friend?
I got more money for my birthday which means I can buy more cds. awesomeTheShadowLord07Happy birthday... belated I'm assuming?
Well that'll be easy to remember. *writes down date* ExoticAnimalYour's is the 14th. Know how I know? Cuz I DID tell you happy birthday! So there.
Very true. Well happy birthday to you too whenever it may have been or will be.:PExoticAnimalMine was in July too! We need to work on this.
Well thanks for the belated birthday. :P Are you sure you made that? :o j/k :PExoticAnimalIt's the thought that counts. :P
I'm eating dog nuts cuz I'm awesome! 8) but now I need water, cuz of my very dry mouth after that... *chokes!*cheesyjonYou're eating... omg. Gross. Next time don't tell me! Nah, that's ok. It was sometime back in July. :P ExoticAnimalYou're sure I forgot?? Darn. I made you this cake to compensate!
How come I ididn't get a happy birthday from you? :( ExoticAnimalBecause I an inconsiderate and forgetful. :( When was it? I'll try to make it up to you.Hey persona de la tribu rose. :) pinkcheesyjonMy that's fancy. I like it. Hi. I'm watching tv. How about you?
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