Today is Spazz's birthday but he's not around to say it to. And I'm too chicken to post it on facebook.
Wonk wonk (which is the only way I can think to express that little sad tune that Debbie Downer has).
binpink's forum posts
Awwwh well wherever you go if you do decide to do it.I hope you really do enjoy it :D Haha 10 mill that's a bit much howeever you can have a lovely place for very little aswell :') I quit radiography in exeter Haha I have to pick a uni for next September hmmmmmm I'm planning on doing automotive engineering but that may change :LBlindBluMonstah
You're a smartie, jeez. Why didn't radiology work out?
"Very little" is exactly our budget. :P
No apply for a working visa :P but I guess it comes with the student one I'm not sure. And that's fine what Uni would he be considering :PBlindBluMonstah
I have no clue where he'd want to go. I'm basically forcing him into all this but I told him the school choice is up to him. Isn't that loving of me?? Anyway it's all just ideas at this point, no action has been taken at all.
Except me looking at real estate online. Found a gorgeous place (don't remember where) for only 10 million pounds. Yep I've lost it. :P
Because Russia wants me! lol I went to Russia once but don't really remember a whole lot. Germany is a nice place too. ExoticAnimal
Mmmmkay, why does Russia want you? It's just not my favorite place but I'm small minded.
I might go to Cambridge in a year!
Stay tuned
O_O You just landed yourself a roommate.
Yeah but you'd have to apply for it before hand I think what does he plan on studying?BlindBluMonstah
He needs his doctorate/ph.d in computers. Apply for the student visa? That I figured but does that allow him to work too or no?
Omg you aren't an immigration officer. Sorry for the 20 questions.
Someone come join me in Germany or Russia. :PExoticAnimal
Germany- Blu and I will visit you. Russia- you're on your own.Why do you like those places?
Oh darn! Well if one of you decide you want to study over here that's s good way to get in!BlindBluMonstah
Bf needs to go back to school so if he has a student visa can he still find a job there? We'll need moneys.
Yeah I know it can get confusing Haha :P well pink if you were to move here and live here for quite some time you would also be British hehBlindBluMonstah
Truuuuue. Then my life would be complete. And I can't marry an English guy because I have bf. His one flaw is not being from the right country.
And exotic- 10 is an approximation.
Well green tea is okay but I'm not a fan of hot drinks :P and yes making biscuits is awesome! Also no I'm not English have you never seen a pic of me? :0 I'm British was born in Manchester and always lived here but yeah :P.BlindBluMonstah
Oooo yea yea yea that's right! So you're British but not English? That's confusing.
Oh I see. What about your boyfriend? Does he fit into this picture? :oExoticAnimal
He's my only hope actually. Since they let like 10 foreign people in the country a year, you have to be worth allowing in. And since he's smart he'll have to be the one to apply for the work visa and all that and find a job there. I'm just tagging along at that point even though I'm the brains behind the operation.
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