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bizsumpark182 Blog


Its been a little bit since my last blog, so I think its time to get you up to speed on the happenings in my life.

First, as most you know I was fired weeks ago and was looking for a new job. Well, Monday I got a call back from Northrop Grumman and found out that I had the job. Funny thing is though, I don't start until August 20th, so I still have two weeks before I even start. It will be some really good money, but on the down side it is only for 3 months. And depending on my performance and if the contract gets renewed or not, I may be there longer. Heres to hoping things go right.

Now for something I know you didn't know. Friday was the beginning of the 20th year of my life. Thats right it was my birthday. It was pretty good, Saturday was the best. My girlfriend came over to my house and
"kidnapped" me. We went to Freeman Lake and walked to the other side of the lake and had a nice, relaxing, fun, hot, picnic. Then we just did some random stuff around town and went the movies that night. It was an awesome day!

Well thats it for now. Until next time...

Price Drops, Price Drops, Price Drops!

Price cuts! Price cuts! Price cuts! It seems that for some reason price cuts have become the "thing" for this year in the gaming industry. This year we have seen the PSP price drop $30 down to $169.99. Not really a big deal, really it was something that was needed for the PSP. But, then we get to the mess that is the PS3 and the Xbox360. A few weeks ago Circuit City let it slip early that the PS3 was going to be dropping down in price by $100, sitting at $499.99. And really that wasn't much of a big deal until Sony announced that they would be releasing a new PS3 SKU with an 80 GB HD, Motorstorm and a price of $599.99. Then a few days later David Reeves lets it out that Sony will be discontinuing the 60 GB SKU once its current stock ran out, leaving only the 80 GB SKU at $599.99. That pretty much means that in the end there really wasn't a price drop. And now this week Wal-Mart and Toys-R-Us ad leaks show that the Xbox360 will be getting a $50 price drop for all three of its SKUs.

What does all this mean? Microsoft is starting to get worried about the Wii and yes also the PS3. So they have decided that they will drop the price in hopes of capturing: A) Some of the potential Wii buyers attention and B) Create an even wider gap in price between the 360 and the PS3.

Now for Sony this means that they will HAVE TO drop the price of the PS3 sometime before the holidays. If they don't I believe that Sony will dig itself into a deeper hole and will almost lose all hope of catching up to the 360 in this generations "race". I personally believe that this year Sony will need to drop its price down to $459.99 at the least. And next year drop it down another $50 to $399.99. No matter what features the PS3 may have (80 GB HD, built in WiFi, ture 1080p support, Blue Ray drive built in, wireless motion sensing controller (lacking rumble of course), and free online play), most consumers are not going to be willing to pay more then $400 for a gaming console.

Only time will tell though what will happen. But, I still believe that it will be at least the end of 2008 before we know who will be the winner in the "race" this generation. Yes, Microsoft has a head start and yes they have a bunch of great games for the 360. But, they could just as easily lose steam as the number of AAA titles comes down a bit over the next year or so. We also can't forget how many problems the system itself has suffered. One only needs to mention the red ring of death as just the tip of this iceberg. I don't know how many people this has been true for, but for me all these problems has stopped me from buying a Xbox360. I like my products that I purchase to be of high quality. And both Sony and Nintendo has offered me that over the course of my gaming life. Microsoft has to convince me that the Xbox360 won't break down on me after less then year of ownership before I will fork over even $250 for the system.

Second, we all know that the PS3 will have more good/great games available through out the next year. Sure there a bunch of those that are also going to be on other consoles, but there will be games like MGS4, all those FF games, Little Big Planet, etc. that will make people want to purchase a PS3, no matter what the price. And who is not to say that something like Assassins Creed won't be a better game on the PS3. And with Blue Ray over taking HDDVD in the movie market the PS3 will be an even more attractive piece of machine for those who want the total HD package. Just like how many people not only bought the PS2 for the games but also for the fact that it was much cheaper then buying a gaming console and a DVD player.

Finally, we can't forget the Wii, its great start has surprised many people. But one thing that has been a problem has been the lack of good games available. Usually something like this wouldn't worry me too much considering what time of the year it is. But, with the history of the N64 and the GameCube behind the Wii one has to wonder if the Wii will suffer the same fate as some of its successors. But there is hope, the developers of our games have been some of the most surprised around of the success of the Wii. Now theses same developers are saying that they are now starting to make games for the Wii. Its seems that the Wii won't suffer the same fate as the GameCube and fall out of our thoughts and wallets because of the lack of third party support.

But, no matter how many great games come out for each system and no matter what features are added has time goes on, there is one thing that seems it will decide the winner of this generations "race", the price drops. And this videogame consumer has to low will they go to get into our wallets?

Its Been A Long Time

As the title says its been a long time since I last posted a blog on here. And for the past week or so I haven't been very active (sorry system wars union members). And the reason for this is simple, I got fired from my job last Monday and have been job searching since then. Below is the story behind the firing...and its a long have been warned.

Monday when I went into work and clocked in, one of the ladies that works there came up to me and said, "Greg told me to give you a message. He said that he is going to be on vacation this week and that you can go home for the week. If you want to discuss future employment here then you can come in on Monday and talk to him."

At first I thought she was joking. But when I realized she wasn't I tore up my time card, threw in the garbage and left. But it gets better, because on my way out the door I pushed the door open with my foot like I have a million times before, except this time something else happened as the door swung open. The glass spider webbed. Yep, so not only was I fired (for which I wasn't given a reason) but I also have to buy them a new door.

I'm not mad that I lost the job. I wasn't happy with it anyways. But I'm mad that my former boss was such a coward and couldn't tell me face to face that I was fired. Instead he had some woman who hasn't been there a month tell me.

Then on Wednesday or Thursday I got a call from them asking if I could come in sometime soon and talk to Greg. So I went ahead an said I would come in at 4 on Friday. Well, for the next day or so I was starting to think maybe he was going to tell me that it was a big misunderstanding. Mostly due to the fact that others around me were think that. Boy were we all wrong.

Since this blog is already getting too long I'll use a wonderful listing system to show the main points of the meeting.

Greg asked me about the door. I explained what happened and that was that.

Greg tries to blame the plotter breaking on me. He said that someone would have had to taken it apart and moved some little thing inside. I explained to him that I didn't even know what he was talking about and that the only think I took apart was the cover when me and Megan were trying to figure out whats wrong.

Then he finally told me that he was firing me because I was stealing time from him because I wasn't working and that I was always watching TV (one time he saw me listening to a video on my PSP while I was working) and sleeping (when he was in Alabama I feel asleep for a few minutes one day cause I didn't sleep good the night before and a couple of the guys there took pictures of me asleep.

I was getting ready to tell him that I wasn't always working because he hadn't been giving me any projects for the past 3 or so weeks. But then he kept going on and on and I just started to get pissed and wanted to leave. So then he told me that I would be paying for the door ($405.49 total), which I had already said I would. But that he would not do some payment thing with me, that I was to pay it in full before I got my check or he would call the police on me. So I went to the bank got the money and payed for the door, got my check and that was that.

So right now I have two job offerings up in the air. The first one is a graphic designer position at Northop Grumman (second largest goverment contractor). Its only for three months right now. But depending on how things go there is a very big chance it could go much longer. The other is at Game Crazy which is self explanatory. And in all honesty if I don't work there I'm going to start shopping there. The people are better then at GameStop and the company just seems to be better then GameStop. So I think I can finally tell GameStop to kiss my ass and they can keep my two preorders that I have with them right now.

As far as gaming goes, right now I'm playing Super Paper Mario, Manhunt, and MLB 2006: The Show. I stopped playing Pokemon Diamond but I will be getting back to that soon. Well, if you made it to the end then congrats...I'll have to give you something sometime.

WooT! Number 2 For The Year!

I finally beat my second game of the year. Last night I completed Killzone. It only took me about 12 hrs or so to do so. I would have had it done well over a week ago if it wasn't for that vacation. Overall I had fun playing it, but I couldn't help but keep saying things like, "They should have done this to make it better." "Whats up with the pop up?"

A review will be coming soon.

If you remember a couple of months ago I had started RE4. Well, I stopped playing it because I could stay interested. Its just not as good as people say it is. I may go back to it in the future, but in the mean time I will be starting Manhunt. I want to get it done before I get Manhunt 2. Which, as of right now, I'm planning on getting the Wii version.

Thats it for now. Below is the updated list of games I've completed:


Metal Gear Solid (PSX)

Pokemon Blue (gbc)

Pokemon Yellow (gbc)

Pokemon Gold (gbc)

Pokemon Trading Card Game (gbc)

Mario Kart Super Circuit (gba)

Katamari Damacy (PS2)

Super Mario World: Super Mario Advance 2 (gba)

Kirby's Dream Land 2 (gb)

Army Men 3D (PSX)

Army Men: World War (PSX)

Dino Crisis 2 (PSX)

Starcraft (pc)

Starcraft: Brood War (pc)

Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 (pc)

Command & Conquer: Yuri's Revenge (pc)

Spider-Man (N64)

Mario Golf (N64)

Mario Golf (gbc)

Splinter Cell (PS2)

God of War (PS2)

Killzone (PS2)


A Look Back At My New Years Resolutions

I'm stealing this idea from daqua_99. :P 

-be a better boyfriend 
-- I've done better so far, but I can still do even better.
-beat at least 10 games 
-- So far...(let me count)...I've completed God of War and...well thats it.
-eat ALOT better (mostly time wise)  
-- Meh...
-do at least 3 free lance projects
-- I've done one so far.
-get more creative with my ads at work  
-- Well, I don't work there anymore, but I did do a bit better after this.
write 12 reviews for GameSpot (one per month)

-- I've written three so far this year.

Overall I need improvement. 

Guess What I Got?

I am now a Wii owner! Yep, I was able to get one from the GameStop I used to work at. Caught them at the right time and they held one for me to pick up. Along with it I also got Super Paper Mario. That and Wii Sports will be all I play for a few weeks. I'm also going to be looking to buy Game Cube games now. So any suggestions besides the obvious would be great. I'll have more on my experience and take on the Wii at a later time.

Thats it for now.

Friday the 13th Is Always A Great Day!

I am now an official Graphic Designer! I work for someone and everything. Its not a big graphics firm or magazine or anything like that. I'm now the sole graphic Designer for Granite Centre. I'll be maintaining their website and design tiles, monuments and things like that.

They had the opening advertised one their electronic sign Thursday. So, Friday after I got off of work at Best Buy I decided to just stop in. And thirty minutes later the guy said he liked me and offered me the job.

In other news, I got me a new camera! I'm so happy now! After a couple of days of thinking about it I got me a Canon Rebel XTi. Its a very nice camera, and from the little bit of use I've gotten out of it so far I can tell that its really going to help make my shots look better. Now, all I need to do is save up for the Tamrion lens that I tried out at Best Buy.

Also, this weekend was the graduation ceremony for LTI. It was a quick little thing...which I was glad for. Afterwards, I spent the day with my girlfriend. It was a great year and a half anniversary. Overall, this was a great weekend. Lets hope that things continue to get even better.

New Page Stuff!

Yes! So I have finally got a new banner, icon, and blog pic thing. Incase you can't tell the theme I'm going with is 300. Which is a fantastic movie. Yes, I just took a wallpaper and used bits of it to make this, but I like and I don't care! :P

The  icon did take a bit more work. As it is a simple Gif and took me about 10 mins to put together in image ready. And I'm thinking about make a new sig thing I could be on a roll here! WooT!


What A Week

So this week has been one of the busiest not busy weeks I've had in a long while. Its not that there was a lot to do, its just the things I had to do took a lot of time.

First things first, I had three job interviews this week. In this order; Signs-A-Rama (haven't heard back from yet), Job News (turned down), Moral Welfare Recreation (just had yesterday). And as I said a bit ago I did turn down the job offer from Job News. The reason being, because with what they wanted to pay me (below average) It woudn't have made since to drive 100 miles or more a day, pay for way too much gas and paying for a ton of upkeep on the car. So, now I wait for the other two and try to get others.

In other news, I've been working more at Best Buy. Had 21 hours this week. But, next week hours drop way down...10 hours for the week. But, there isn't really anything that I can do about it. Thursday night our internet decided to go down. It came back up Friday afternoon but it was pretty much unusable. I could get online, but when I tried to click on a link to get somewhere I would finish War and Peace before it got done. But, thats what you get with Insight. And to think all the problems started when they upgraded their system a year ago and caused me to lose internet for a week.

Nothing gaming wise to talk of this week for the most part. Except for the fact that I've been playing Pokemon Fire Red for the past two weeks. Takes me back to good old days. And of course in a couple of weeks Pokemon Diamond and Pearl drop in a couple of weeks.


Until next time...